H�usler Hias & Band
Maria Gern, Germany
Gasthof Maria Gern*
17. Juli 2016
minimax master-series #634
Master - Audience recording
Taping-location: Zoom standing on the ground-floor, opposite the musicians, about two meters from the artists
Sound-quality: excellent-
Gasthof: nearly sold-out
Equipment: Zoom H4N with its intern microphones
*The Gasthof Maria Gern can be found easily: its just a few meters away from �B�ller und Kanonenbau Franz Pfn�r und Sohn, so you can't miss it.
concert-info: so, let's go for some bavarian folk-music. Here's some traditional stuff from H�usler Hias on Giant-Bass and his band. They started at 6 p.m. and gave us a bunch of traditional bavarian music. As Mr. Minimax & Co. sat right in the middle of that Gasthof having one more Kn�del-and-beer-time I didn't want to let the Zoom standing in the middle of our table with all of our �Prosts� and Schmatzing-Ger�usche and so on so I put it on the floor. The recording comes out fine, loud and clear (except a few noise-cracks at the beginning) but you also can hear the people around talking.
The H�usler Hias didn't bring us well known sing-a-longs as we all were eating and only listneing, not clapping and schunkeling or standing Schuhplatteling on the tables.
Those bavarian musicians seem to play awful long sets so we left a bit earlier when they still were on � maybe doing one encore and another and burning the house down.
Including Cover-Artwork!
H�usler Hias
support this band,
Go to their concerts
Buy their merch � if they have some .. or gave 'em some beer or Enzian-Schnaps!!!
Do not sell. For trading only. ..and -of course- for fun!
No MP3 please!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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