Hawkwind - Live 1971
Low gen audience tapes transferred to CDR > Ripped with CDParanoia III > xACT > Flac
1. The Civic Hall, Wolverhampton 26 July 1971
Earth Calling
You Shouldn't Do That
You Know You're Only Dreaming
Shores Of Paradise pt.1
Master Of The Universe
Shores Of Paradise pt.2
Seeing It As You Really Are
Sweet Mistress Of Pain
2. Youth Centre, Potters Bar 16 October 1971
Beast Of Chaos
You Shouldn't Do That
Technicians Of Spaceship Earth
You Know You're Only Dreaming
Master Of The Universe
The Awakening
Earth Calling
Silver Machine
Spirit Of The Age
Review of xIn Search Of Space
Melody Maker • 23 October 1971
In the rush to applaud the Amon Duuls and Cans from across the water, we've all tended to forget the prophets in our own backyard. Hawkwind have been chipping away at the problems of Space Rock for some time now and this. Their album, is a pretty fair stab. I don't feel they quite reach the heights of "Dance Of The Lemmings" in their instrumental playing, but they yield precedence to no-one in their creative use of electronics. It's very uplifting and, as with the colliding puns in "You Shouldn't Do That" ("You get nowhere / you get no air / you're getting aware"), it can occasionally be thought provoking. DikMik, Del Detmmar and Nik Turner are responsible for the various synthesisers and audio generators and ring modulators, and although their techniques may for all I know be facile, the results are just the ticket to trip on incidentally. Ex Amon Duul bassist Dave Anderson is credited on the sleeve, but not on the U.A. hand-out which accompanies the album to reviewers - maybe he's left. The same handout describes the music as "imaginative" : yes, not unduly so, but well worth perusal.
Some Notes
I first seeded these in 2005 so here’s a fresh rip from the CDRs. No idea of the origins of the recordings. These are two very early recordings of the band. Both interesting in their own way - quality... atmospheric you could say.
Cover included.
Do not encode to MP3
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