Hawkwind 1974-01-26 Edmonton Sundown Brixton UK-Postal CDR Trade

101-Andy Dunkley Intro
102-Brainbox Pollution
103-It's So Easy (Removed As Officially released)
104-You Know I'm Only Dreaming
105-Warriors On The Edge Of Time
107-Seven By Seven
108-The Watcher
109-The Awakening
110-Paradox (Removed As Officially released)
201-You'd Better believe It (Removed As Officially released)
203-Sonic Attack
204-Master Of The Universe
205-WelCome To The Future
206-Orgone Accumulator
207-Orgone Accumulator (Run Out)
208-Silver Machine
209-See It As You really Are
210-Andy Dunkley


Dave Brock
Simon King
Del Dettmar
Nik Turner
Bob Calvert
Simon House

Ok so I thought I'd share the legendary show at Edmonton Sundown Brixton in on New Years Day 1974.
As a long time Hawkwind fan I'm still gutted that the full show has been officially released

A couple of tracks popped up on the LP Hall of the mountain grill and a heavily edited version was on
the 1970's compilation release called Masters of the Universe. As far as I'm aware no other tracks from this
gig have been "Officially" released. There is a compelling argument that the ones that did make it out to the
public had so many overdubs and studio fills that they weren't even the live tracks anymore.

However for the sake of this share I've removed them so I comply with both this sites rules and also Hawkwinds
trading policy.

I saw them for the first time in the February of 1974 at King Georges Hall Blackburn.
I remember a guy walking up and down the queue outside the venue with a tray around his neck similar to the lasses
had in the cinema of the day. But instead of selling tubs of ice cream and Ki ora orange, they had a good selection of
other wares. I stayed clear of it all and was content at seeing Stacia dancing naked on the stage whilst my
senses were destroyed by the Captain, Lemmy et all.

So a pretty good recording for 1974. You can hear the vocals and band, I'd say this is above the quality for
a normal Hawkwind audience recording for the time so a solid 6/10 or VG to VG+ and again miles better than the
Coventry 81 gig that I've shared recently.

As always share freely but NEVER sell. Don't covert to lossy unless for personal use.

Lets remember Hawkwind are a current active touring band:

So support them by going to gigs, buying their cd's and merchandise etc. I will be there in Manchester to watch them in September 2021 and I'll be buying their new LP Somnia.

Check out their official website here: http://www.hawkwindmuseum.co.uk

Also check here for the bands current trading/recording policy: http://www.hawkwindmuseum.co.uk/trading%20rules.htm and this recording is allowed by the band under those rules.

You can also find detailed info on their re-issue back catologue here: http://cherryred.co.uk/atomhenge/main.htm

Lets keep those motors running.

