Band: The Agents of Chaos (later known as Hawkdog) = members of Hawkwind + members of Tubilah Dog
Date: 6th August 1988
Venue: Blowinghouse Fayre, Mithian, England
CDR received in trade -> EAC rip to wav -> Adobe Audition for remastering in iZotope Ozone -> TLH encode to FLAC -> you
The original wavs were good but a little thin. This version is much fuller, rounder and clearer.
the right stuff
psychedelic warlords (hawkwind)
space zone (tubilah dog)
step down
motorway city
spirit of the age
shot down in the night
master of the universe
hassan i sabha
Dave Brock on Guitar, Synths & Vocals
Harvey Bainbridge on Synths & Vocals
Jerry Richards on Lead Guitar & Vocals
Steve Mills on Vocals
Alf Hardy on Keyboards
Andy Copeland on Drums
Tim Kelsall on Bass Guitar & Vocals
From Hawkeye on Hawkwind:
The Blowinghouse Fayre was part of the Aktivator series of festivals during the Summer of 1988 and was held in a park in Mithian, Cornwall. The lightshow was a combination of 'Black Cat' and 'Crystal Ship Lightshow' and was awesome, with not a piece of canvas left unilluminated.