Donington Park Farmhouse
16th June 2007
CD >EAC >TLH >Flac 8
01: Warriors
02: Assault & Battery/Golden Void/Where Are They Now
03: Lighthouse
04: The Right Stuff
05: The Awakening
06: Orgone Accumulator
07: Paradox
08: Robot
09: Steppenwolf
10: Flying Doctor
01: Arrival In Utopia
02: Infinity
03: Images
04: (Only) The Dead Dreams Of A Cold War Kid
05: Sonic Attack
06: Hassan-I-Sahba
07: Space Is Their (Palestine)
08: Hassan-I-Sahba
09: break
10: Master Of The Universe
11: Welcome To The Future
Received in a postal trade, thanks to the taper and the trader
A decent recording if a little quiet