Burg Herzberg Open Air Festival, Breitenbach, Germany
(audience MD recording)
Soundman OKM I > SHARP MD-MT20H > PC(via TASCAM US 224) > Wavelab (EQ, edit, tracking) > TLH(flac8)
recording position: about 10 meters in front of the soundboard, little left to the center (my alltime favourite spot)
00. lighthouse-soundcheck (16bars-loop) 0.29 *
01. lighthouse 9.08
02. space is deep 1.48
03. angels of death 8.44
04. fahrenheit 451 8.15
05. sentinel 7.21
06. spirit of the age 7.20
07. lord of light 7.36
08. green machine 3.50
09. wraith 8.16
10. prometheus 7.39
11. warriors 2.06
12. magnu 7.53
13. tide of the century 7.18 (cuts in - with 20 sec. gap) **
(13b tide of the century (gapless/merged + fade in)) 6.56 **
14. hassan-I-sahba 15.56
15. - (crowd) 2.19
16. you'd better believe it (merged) 9.32 ***
16a you'd better believe it (beginning) 6.32 (fades out) ***
16b you'd better believe it (end) 3.01 (cuts in) ***
total time: 115 min
* a little "musicians-only-bonus" from my short soundcheck-recording - it's exactly cut to 16 (or 32 - depends on your counting) bars, so you can use it in your favourite loop-player and play along with/to it
** for MD-change reasons about the first minute is missing - getting worse, after 25 sec I got some microphone-connection-problems which caused another silent gap for about 20 sec (I kept this gap, for eventual editing reasons - maybe a second source will come up)
by the way ... of course the perfect CD-split-point.
I also added a second gapless version, where the silence is edited out and the ends are (quite nice) crossfaded. Maybe this is better for CD-use, if there won't be a different version. Also this version has a softer fade-in.
Choose yourself !
*** as the concert was getting longer than I thought I had to change the MD a second time, so, about another minute in the middle of this is lost. I guess you would not hear it in the merged version, but for purists and again for future editing I also added the 2 parts of the song as alternative tracks
Dave Brock (g, synth, voc)
Mr.Dibs (bg, voc)
Niall Hone (?) (g, bg)
Richard Chadwick (dr)
Tim Blake (synths, voc)
HAWKWIND-concerts are ALWAYS the crown of all Herzberg-festival (at least to me)
But THIS one was the most awesome, mindblowingest, incredibelisticest of all upto now. Last not least because of the participation of Mr.Tim Blake (finally, again, hurray, welcome on board).
Just listen to the assasinating 15 min.-version of "Hassan-I-Sahba" !!!
As often as I've heard this concert now, editing and mastering, I still can't get enough of it and literally EACH song still gives me the shiver !
This is a festival-audience-recording !
So, there is -of course- the classical, inevitable audience chatter during the whole concert, but except some fanatical concert-related shouts/screams and other audible expressions of quite understandable pure exstacy it is all MORE OR LESS in the background.
The recording itself is not optimal but quite fine and I did my best to enhance it as best as possible (samples included) !
In fact I really worked some time on it and mastered/remastered it 3 times. I tried to get more brilliance into it without loosing the (in this case kept) heavy punch or loosing the flesh of the guitars. I'm not 100% satified but this has to do it by now. It's now as close as possible (for me) to the original sound that exceptional night.
Beside this and the missing parts (see above) this recording has one little flaw : The electronic (but ONLY the electronic ones) basses/bassdrums are a LITTLE distorted, nothing really bad, just still audible, but only in some tracks (eg. "Lighthouse", "Green Machine", "Hassan-I-Sahba")
Also some slight pannings here and there, but that's the thing with in-ear-mikes.
cover-artwork is added
all concert-photos used for cover-design by Karsten R. Schaefer and taken from www.nix-normal.de
Support the artists!
Buy their official releases, merchandises, and especially their concert-tickets !
And if you want to support them most effectivly :
Buy their stuff at concerts directly FROM the artists or via their homepages !!!
Keep it lossless (if possible - This is no holy grail, but it would be nice to keep the quality for all future listeners!)
Trade freely!
uploaded to DIME by rackhir April 2015
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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