Head for the Hills
Kalamazoo, MI
Bell's Backroom
Source: SBD > R4 @ WAV 24/96
Transfer: USB > Cool Edit Pro (downsampled to WAV 16/44.1) > TLH > FLAC
1. //Phantom > Celtic Jam > Nellie Kane
2. Light the Way
4. Lost in the Loop
5. Dependency Co.
6. Hornets >
7. Solsbury Hill
8. Lover's Scorn >
9. High on a Mountain
10. Bosun Ridley
11. Down the River Road
12. Priscilla the Chinchilla
13. Take Me Back
14. Never Does
15. ChupChik
16. Oxford Town
17. Music for a Found Harmonium >
18. One Foot in the Grave
19. Scrap Metal
20. How Far I'd Fall for You
21. Wish You Well
22. Time to Spare
23. Mama Tried
24. Unknown
25. Scribe's Eye >
26. My Angelie
27. Wild Horse
28. Goin' Down
29. Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover
30. Unchain My Heart
Notes on the Recording:
The recording is missing several of the songs to start the night's show. Long story short, I was held up at work MUCH later than I thought, and I walked into the show distraught that I would not get the chance to tape. Jake, one of the awesome sound folks at Bell's, encouraged me to grab my recorder and board patch, saying, "You WILL regret not getting this recording!" I decided to grab my stuff and plug in for the night, but obviously, this is an incomplete recording. I'm posting it here anyway, as I was the only taper there that night and it really would be a shame to not share this with the rest of the bluegrass-loving world.
I get it if you don't want to give it a five-star rating due to its incomplete nature. But don't deny yourselves.
All tracks normalized to 0 dB, with limiting used to eliminate clipping.