This recording comes from an August 2004 download (thanks to SIRMick, THX!!!), but these are not those original files.
I'm always looking for upgrades, alternate sources, & uncirculated Head, Hands, & Feet (Albert Lee) shows.
If you have any of those, please share or get them to someone that can do so.

Head, Hands, & Feet .... 1971 & 1972
BBC; London, England

Taper, & Taping Gear: ??Unknown??
Lineage: "FM" 2004 Download; cdr > wav > flac files> Burned to audio disc (Nero) Trade CDR> 2009 DAE (wav) EAC (secure mode)> (flac) Trader's Little Helper level 6 (align on sector boundaries)
Quality: vg+/ex-
Length: 7 tracks = 30:56 minutes
Artwork: none.
Samples: none.


1 I Wish You Knew Me
2 Devil's Elbow
3 Ain't Gonna Let It Get Me Down
4 Tryin' To Put Me On
5 Safety In Numbers
6 Warming Up The Band > Hot Property
7 Country Boy


performance dates
1 & 2 - 05/25/71 Mike Harding Show. Studio - Maida Vale 4.
Tony Colton (v)/Ray Smith (g,v)/Pete Gavin (d,v)/
Chas Hodges (b,v)/Mike O'Neil (o,p,v)/Albert Lee (g,v)
3 - 10/28/71 Pete Drummond Show. Studio - Maida Vale 5.
4 & 05 - 03/31/72 John Peel Show
6 - 06/09/72 John Peel Show. Studio T1
7 - 05/04/71 Mike Harding Show. Studio - Maida Vale 4.
Tony Colton (v)/Ray Smith (g,v)/Pete Gavin (d,v)/
Chas Hodges (b,v)/Mike O'Neil (o,p,v)/Albert Lee (g,v)

- these dates are not certain but seem the most likely, given
the information which I have.
- track 4 has the voice of a dj called Brian Matthew on it.
He refers to "Top Of The Pops." This was and still is
a weekly tv show that goes out playing the hits of the
day. Brian Matthew, to my knowledge, never presented
the show. A little research leads me to believe that
the reason for the voiceover by him is this. It seems
that the BBC did, and maybe still do, put together
transcription shows which they refer to as "Top Of The
Pops" and Brian was used to "present" them. He also
mentions Albert Lee playing "knockout country style
fiddle." This must be artistic license on his part
because, to my knowledge, Albert doesn't play fiddle.
Have you ever tried playing fiddle and guitar at the
same time!! It's got to be Chas Hodges.
- track 7 has the voice of Alan "Fluff" Freeman over the fade
out. This was probably a repeat playing of a session
on his Saturday Rock Show.

Thanks to Martin Bloomfield for the disc
re-mastered and flac'd - SIRMick - August 2004

Also a comment collected back then for further info:

The dates listed in above notes are the first broadcasting dates.
This is the correct recording information:
The correct title of track 3 is "Ain't Going To Let Me Down".
Tracks 1, 2 and 7: Recording Date = April 24, 1971; Studio =
Maida Vale 4; Producer = Malcolm Brown; Engineers =
Mike Harding & Mike Franks.
Track 3: Recording Date = October 18, 1971; Studio = Maida Vale 5;
Producer = Malcolm Brown; Engineers = Mike Harding &
Mike Franks.
Track 4, 5 and 6: Recording Date = March 14, 1972; Studio = Studio
T1, Transcription Service; Producer = John Muir; Engineer =
The line-ups listed in above notes are correct.

Support the artists: Buy the officially released items, etc.

Prepared by Jeff James (