Healy Treece Band
Alameda, CA
May 30th, 1981

1. tuning/intro? 0:23
2. Unchain My Heart 5:28
3. Long Black Veil 7:47
4. Bluebird 5:50
5. announcement 0:49
6. Slippin' Into Darkness 10:11
7. Truckstore Driving Man 5:01
8. I Think It's Gonna Rain 10:35
Total 46:02

Trade CD-R with 1 46:30 track > EAC > Wav > CD Wave (split into 10 tracks)

Single Wav file checked for MPG with Traders Little helper - Passed 100% CDDA

Track 1 (silence at start of tape), and track 10 (remnant of other band at end of tape) discarded, leaving 8 tracks numbered 2-9, files renamed so that tracks are numbered 1-8

Wavs > FLAC Front End > FLAC

Dan Healy
Richard Treece (NB This is NOT the Richard Treece of Help Yourself, Green Ray)
John Cipollina
Larry Klein
Bill Kreutzmann

propylaen: "The venue has got to be the Alameda County Fairgrounds in Pleasanton, CA as I found out through a discussion on Philzone."

Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.

Images for this show:

HealyTreeceBand1981-05-30JohnCipollinaBillKreutzmannAlamedaCA. (1).jpg
HealyTreeceBand1981-05-30JohnCipollinaBillKreutzmannAlamedaCA. (2).jpg