Heartless Bastards
SLO Brewing Company
San Luis Obispo, CA
March 1, 2015
** 16 BIT **
Matrix: Soundboard + Neumann KM-140s (ORTF) > 35 ft XLRs > Beyer MV-100 > Mackie 1202-VZL PRO mixer > XLR >Tascam DR-100mkII (24/48)
Mastering: .WAV > Sound Forge Pro 10.0a (minor EQ, fades, minor edits, & normalize) > iZotope RX2 Advanced v2.02.457 (declick) > CDWav (tracking) > iZotope MBIT+ (dithered and downsampled to 16 bit/44.1 kHz) > Trader's Little Helper (level 5) > FLAC > TagScanner 5.1 (tagging)
Recorded by: Jeff Bowen, aka OldNeumanntapr
Mastered by: Dennis Orr
01 Soundcheck (incomplete)
02 Marathon
03 Black Cloud
04 Got To Have Rock And Roll
05 Journey
06 The Fool
07 Skin And Bone
08 Pocket Fool of Thirst
09 Highline
10 Down In The Canyon >
11 Late In The Night
12 Gray
13 Only For You
14 Band Intros/Chat
15 Hold Your Head High
16 Parted Ways
17 Encore Break
- Encore -
18 Early In The Morning
19 Low Low Low
Erika Wennerstrom - guitars & vocals
Mark Nathan - guitars
Jesse Ebaugh - bass, pedal steel, & backing vocals
Dave Colvin - drums
Torrent Notes:
Photos courtesy of George Blosser
Taper Notes:
Got there at 5 PM, for soundcheck. Kip was home sick but no problem getting access from Reggie, the Bastards sound man, since I had emailed him. I hung mics, ran cables and taped them down. I was able to record most of the soundcheck and dial in the mix. I'd say off hand it was a 55/45% split. I had Reggie bus the guitars in my mix so that he could raise their levels for me. I monitored the whole night with my Beyer DT-770s and it seemed to sound nice. Of course, it's impossible to get a really accurate appraisal with all the loud ambient noise. I'm getting used to setting up the Mackie mixer and listening to both sources independently while they sound check. The Neumanns mix well with the board. :) It makes it nice to get to record the soundcheck to dial everything in. I was going to record the opener, but they were horrible, so I just monitored and made sure that my mix sounded good. I wasn't able to get a set list after the show, because the Mongrol Hordes made off with them. Reggie said to email him and he'd send me one. I also noticed that, right before the show, the bouncers came in and set up a short wall to block off the stage floor from the bar, because it was an all-ages show. I couldn't remove the mic cables after the show because the wall was on top of them. Fortunately there is a diamond-plate metal covering that gives access to the basement that sticks up an eighth of an inch, and I had ran the cables alongside it, so at least they weren't being smashed. Doubtless that Bill wouldn't like that...But, I talked with the manager and received permission to leave the cables set up for the next show, this coming Thursday when Cuesta Ridge opens for Brothers Comatose. There's a little work that I won't have to redo. :) All I did was remove the microphones and left the shelf and Atlas bar strapped to the post. The guy at the booth next to the board bought me two beers after I let him listen to my headphone mix a bit. All in all, a very enjoyable evening. The band was in fine form and played a lot off their new CD, which Erika said will be out on June 9th, two days before her birthday.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
HeartlessBastards2015-03-01SLOBrewingCompanySanLuisObispoCA (7).jpg
HeartlessBastards2015-03-01SLOBrewingCompanySanLuisObispoCA (8).jpg
HeartlessBastards2015-03-01SLOBrewingCompanySanLuisObispoCA (9).JPG