Eldenaer Jazz-Evenings
Klosterruine Eldena
Greifswald, DE
Kathrin Lemke: Altsaxofon
Dirk Steglich: Fl�te & Tenorsaxofon
Johannes Schleiermacher: Baritonsaxofon
Nikolaus Neuser: Trompete
Gerhard Gschl��l: Posaune
Niko Meinhold: Piano & Keyboards
Mike Majkowski: Bass
Philipp Bernhardt: Schlagzeug
01a-b. Galactic Voyage (fades in, approx. 16 second dropout removed in middle with an edit for continuity, so this track is in two parts)
02. A Call for Demons
03. Ancient Ethiopia
04. Saturn
05. ? > band introductions (KL)
06. ?
07. Angel Race
08. Fate in a Pleasant Mood
09. radio outro
TT : approx. 70:00
Rete2 Live di mezzanotte 2013-11-18
Humax PVR800 > mp2 (MPEG 1.0 Layer-2; 48,000 Hz Stereo; 256 Kbps) >
mp3DirectCut (cut to edit/track)
Recorded by LewoJazz
Tracked and prepared by Bombdiggity - 2014-01
Thanks to LewoJazz
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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