Henry Kaiser and Band 2019-10-22 A Love Supreme Electric, Oakland Ca m300's.zelner
A Love Supreme Electric
The Uptown Nightclub
Oakland CA
October 22, 2019 (Tuesday)
Source: MG M300s (7 ft. stand, ~12 ft. from stage right) > SD 744T > WAVE (24/44.1)
Transfer: SD 744T (FW) > G5 Dual Mac (Peak/xACT) > FLACs (level 8)
Recording and mastering by Michael Zelner
dl from LL 2002-04-27 r5. https://www.shnflac.net/ with my great thanks.
torrent > Transmission 2.94 > iMac 3.6 GHz. OS 10.15.5 Catalina > xACT 2.48 (st5) > Transmission 2.94 >
checksum file with original checks included
Set 1 (1:00:20)
1 Big Fun/Hollywud*
2 intro (John Hanrahan)...
A Love Supreme:
3 Acknowledgement
4 Resolution
5 Pursuance
6 Psalm
Set 2 (1:05:14)
1 intro (Henry Kaiser)
2 Right Off >
3 Ife >
4 Yesternow >
5 Ife >
6 Calypso Frelimo >
7 Funk Lick (from Jack Johnson) >
8 Right Off reprise > improv >
9 A Love Supreme: Acknowledgement reprise
total time: 2:05:34
*a couple of minutes missing near start due to initial setup issue
Henry Kaiser - electric guitars
Max Kutner (NY) - electric guitars
Andrew Dixon - tenor and soprano saxophones
Darren Johnston (NY) - trumpet
Michael Manring - electric basses
Steve Robertson - percussion
John Hanrahan - drums
you might want to check this one out, active on ttd:
John Coltrane 2002-xx-xx THE MAKING of A LOVE SUPREME, hosted by Mos' Def (*** with verified lineage ***) (16-bit) (FLAC) (RESEED) by uninvited94 2014-12-10 12:41 It is worth it!
( http://www.thetradersden.org/forums/showthread.php?t=114815 )
give up some thanks!
(John's handwritten 'psalm' included
as the liner notes to 'A Love Supreme')
I will do all I can to be worthy
of Thee O' Lord.
It ALL has to do with it.
Thank you God.
There is none other.
God is. It is so Beautiful.
Thank you God. God IS ALL.
Help us to resolve our fears and
In you ALL things are possible.
Thank you God.
We know. God made us so.
Keep Your eye on God.
God is. He always was. He always
will be.
No matter what...... it is God.
He is gracious & merciful.
It is MOST important that I KNOW Thee.
Words - Sounds - Speech - men memory
Thoughts - Fears - Emotions & Time, all
Related - ALL made from one ALL made
in one.
Blessed Be His Name.
Thought waves - Heat waves - ALL
Vibrations - ALL Paths Lead to God.
His way -- it is Lovely - it is Gracious
It is merciful.
Thank you God.
One thought can produce millions of
vibrations and they ALL go back to
God - Everything Does -
Thank you God.
Have No Fear - Believe.
The universe has many wonders - and
God is ALL.
Thoughts - Deeds - vibrations, etc.
They all Go Back to God and He Cleanses
He is Gracious and merciful.
Glory to God. God is so alive - God is.
God Loves
may I Be Acceptable in Thy sight
we are all one in his Grace
The fact that we are is
Acknowledgement of Thee O LORD
God will wash away all our
tears - He always Has - He always
Seek him everyday. in all ways
Seek God everyday.
Let us sing all songs to God
To whom all Praise is due. Praise
No Road is An Easy One But They
ALL Go To God.
With ALL we Share God.
It is ALL with God.
It is ALL with Thee.
obey The Lord.
Blessed is He.
We Are ALL From One - The will of God.
I have seen God. I have seen UnGodly -
None is Greater Nor can Even Compare
To - God.
Thank you God.
He will Remake us --- He always Has -
And He always will.
Thank you God.
God breathes through us so completely,
So Gently we Hardly Feel it - yet it
IS our Everything.
Thank you God.
Elation Elegance Exaltation
ALL From God
Thank you God
THE MAKING of A LOVE SUPREME, hosted by Mos' Def
Fall 2002
WBGO-88.3 FM
Newark, NJ
Disc 1 - 59.00 (documentary: interviews and music)
Disc 2 - 59.00 (documentary: interviews and music)
This recording is taken directly from the two master CDs sent to
public radio stations around the country for limited broadcast between
Nov 1, 2002 and Oct 31, 2003. It seems a shame for such a remarkable
historic documentary to be lost to the ages due to limited broadcast
rights, and in the hopes of keeping it from the bootleg market this is
offered for free download and sharing.
Source: master broadcast compact discs
Transfer: CD > Audiophile 2496/HD > Soundforge 6.0 (minor edits, norm'd to peak) > flac
Please consider picking up
a few of the fine recordings
since this is costing you nothing
to download, and the best
option is buying the deluxe edition
recording of 'A Love Supreme.'
The rest of the fine Coltrane catalog
is still available through the
many fine shops selling great jazz.
The Making of A Love Supreme is a production of WBGO-FM and Joyride Media
Producers: Josh Jackson and Paul Chuffo
Editor: Tara Geer
Consulting Producer: Ashley Kahn
Executive Producer: Thurston Briscoe
Special thanks to Cephas Bowles
The producers thank:
WBGO staff
Goodtree Media -- Abi, Fatima, Kaseem, Mos' Def and Umi
Nate Herr, Garrett Shelton and the Verve Music Group
David Grant and the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation
Kathy Gronau and Creative PR
Janet Rodriguez and JP Morgan Chase
Diane Wanek, Zigzag Graphic Design
Paul Slovak and Viking Books
Carlos Ascencio and Leo Del Aguila at NPR
Sylvia Brewer and Spencer Graves for the rap connection
Thanks to Gary Walker for the tip
Thanks to Dorthaan Kirk for the save
Chuck Stewart for the Coltrane images
Christine Jackson for the patience
John Coltrane for the inspiration
Excerpt for Martin Luther King Jr.'s "Eulogy for the Martyred Children" speech used by permission from The King Center
and Time Warner Audio Books.
Viking Books has published Ashley Kahn's "A Love Supreme - The Story of John Coltrane's Signature Album."
Verve Music Group has released a Deluxe Edition of 'A Love Supreme,' featuring the quartet's only live performance of
the suite, as well as rare, sextet performances of "Acknowledgement."
Transcripts of the broadcast:
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: