Hiatus Kaiyote
CBE, Koeln, Germany
November - 10 - 2015
from DIMENEW collection # 250 - celebration time!
Rec. Info:
DPA 4061 -> Roland D-26 (@ WAV 16/44) -> SD -> HD -> WeTransfer -> my HD -> Audacity (edit/volume balance) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND...
Recorded by dear DIMENEW close to the stage edge. Very fine recording, all instruments and vocals are clear in the mix. Sometimes exceptional fine sound, if...
well...at least you got those female storytellers sometimes as well. Sorry, no pics, but a setlist scan is included which was very helpful for the tracking. Danke, Tapemeister!
Uh, before I went over this recording of this curious named band, I did a little research on the net. What are we doing without it today? I guess simply nothing.
But the death of former german chancellor Helmut Schmidt on the same day (at the glorious age of 96 years!) brought be back to my youth in the mid 70's to early 80's, when there was a
real musical culture blooming. Ok, you punks just keep your mouth shut, and those of the progressive monstergroups, too. It was a time when all different kinds of music like soul, jazz
and rock music melted a few times...like Mahavishnu Orchestra or Return to Forever. A simply amazing time to be a music follower, but sadly your writer was just out of his pampers then.
Not always the music was that great and delightful, but...stop...what the hell has this in connection with this show?
Oh, first I laughed almost my ass off when this show started. It just sounded like "MAEDCHENMUSIK", which means it's just girls music. Lots of bahoo and uuuhoos during the first tracks.
I thought, shit, what challenge is dear DIMENEW going to put on me? But during the tracking my mind changed as the music developed into a rearview miroor of that 70's sound.
Sorry, no "Yours is the light" cover on this one, but the vibe is in there, too. SB.
FULL SHOW (94:11 min.)
01. Chose your weapon (2:07)
02. Mobius streak (6:23)
03. Shaolin monk motherfunk (6:07)
04. Only time all the time (2:14)
05. Jekyll (6:38)
06. Breathing underwater (7:06)
07. Laputa (2:46)
08. Doomslap (2:11)
09. Nakamarra (5:52)
10. Boom child remix (3:44)
11. Mollasses (5:49)
12. Daphne -> (3:18)
13. Borderline with my atoms (6:48)
14. Cinnamon temple (4:13)
15. By fire (5:28)
16. The world it softly lulls (14:14)
17. Encore call (3:02)
18. Swamp thing (6:00)
facebook ect. sites...
Support the artists, go to their shows, buy all their merchandise.
Do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use. No lossy blog/tracker use. Flac rules!
If you spread keep lineage/taper info intact. It's us tapers that give you this recording for free!
If you sell (this recording)...the crocodiles may have a tasty meal of you!
Nai Palm - vocals, guitar
Paul Bender - bass
Perrin Moss - drums
Simon Mavin - keyboards
Uploaded to DIME by Spacebandit 2015/11/12
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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