High & Mighty Brass Band 03/18/2015 Brooklyn Bowl, Brooklyn, NY *** Bowlive VI - Night 5 ***

Source: SBD (Digidesign/Avid Profile) -> Sound Devices 744T (via XLR, @24/96);
Transfer: WAVs -> SoundForge Pro 11.0 (normalize, fades, 96->44.1 iZotope 64-Bit SRC w/anti-alias filter; 24->16 bit iZotope MBIT+ Dither w/ Ultra/High settings) -> CDWav -> FLAC

Recorded, transferred and encoded by Eric McRoberts

Note: I had a pair of stage mics setup for this set but the routing in the console was not right and I got the SBD feed in place of the mic feed (for this set only).

One Set Show:
01. I Want My Money Back
02. You Rascal You
03. t03
04. Butterflies *
05. t05
06. t06
07. Officer
08. Gypsys
09. Be Thankful For What You Go

* w/ Natalie Cressman - Trombone

This was the fifth night of Bowlive VI, Soulive's annual two week long residency at Brooklyn Bowl. The High & Mighty Brass Band opened the show followed by one long set of Soulive.

Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.

Images for this show:

HighAndMightyBrassBand2015-03-18BrooklynBowlNY (1).png
HighAndMightyBrassBand2015-03-18BrooklynBowlNY (2).jpg
HighAndMightyBrassBand2015-03-18BrooklynBowlNY (3).jpg
HighAndMightyBrassBand2015-03-18BrooklynBowlNY (4).png
HighAndMightyBrassBand2015-03-18BrooklynBowlNY (5).png