Hillbilly Gypsies
14th Annual Hickory Fest
Sue Cunningham Memorial Festival
Stony Fork Creek Campground
Wellsboro PA
2016-08-19 Saturday
74'F 65%RH
Source: (1) Busman BSCS-L > Edirol OCM R-44
(2) CAFS-omni > CA Ugly II > Edirol OCM R-44
Location: At soundboard
Transfer: Audacity > Izotope RX 8, Ozone 9 > CD Wave > TLH
Soundman: George and Drew at GP Pro Audio
Special Thanks: Frank Serio
Taped and mixed by capnhook
t01 -intro-
t02 Crow Back Chicken
t03 -song intro-
t04 West Virginia Line
t05 -intro Spanky Moore-
t06 The Wheelhouse
t07 -intro Jamie Lynn Buckner-
t08 Foggy Mountain Top
t09 West Virginia My Home
t10 Are You Missing Me
t11 -intro Alex Richards-
t12 Ole Slew Foot
t13 -intro Aaron Richards-
t14 Granddaddy's Gun
t15 -intro Chuck Cox-
t16 Boil Them Cabbage Down
t17 -tuning-
t18 -song intro-
t19 Cluck Old Hen
t20 -encore crowd-
t21 Ramblin' Fever
t22 Y'all Come
t23 -outtro-
Never For Sale.
Please support artists that allow taping by buying merchandise & attending shows.
Trae Buckner - guitar, clawhammer banjo, harmonica, lead & harmony vocals
Jamie Lynn Buckner - lead & harmony vocals
Aaron Richards - banjo. guitar, vocals
Greg Moore - fiddle
Alex Richards - upright bass
Chuck Cox - mandolin
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: