Hit or Miss and Friends
The Pour House
James Island, SC
August 15, 2012 [Wednesday]
****Team Dirty South Recording****
source: Soundfield sps200 [onstage/dfc] + Soundboard -> Tascam DR-680 [24/48]
transfer: DR 680 -> Nuendo 3 -> Wavelab 6.1 [matrix/fades] -> CD Wave 1.98 -> Wavelab 6.1 [Crystal/UV22HR] -> TLH [flac/8] -> FOOBAR [tags]
recorded by: Chris Davis and Col. George
Set 1:
01 - Mic/Bag Run-in
02 - Space Oddity ->
03 - Jam*
04 - Just Like a Woman
05 - Gumboots
06 - Ripple
07 - Gettin' By
08 - Human Nature
09 - And She Was
10 - The Speed of the Sound of Loneliness
11 - Postcards from Hell
12 - Silent in the Morning
13 - Last Thing I Needed First Thing This Morning
14 - I Hear Your Voice in my Head
15 - Another**
16 - Wayside [Back in Time]
17 - Under African Skies
18 - Lovin' Arms
Set 2:
01 - Please Be With Me
02 - Mama Tried
03 - Im a Lonesome Fugitive
04 - Tear My Stillhouse Down
05 - Beg Steal or Borrow
06 - By Your Side
07 - Good Hearted Woman
08 - Reggae Breakdown+*** ->
09 - This Must be the Place [Naive Melody]
10 - That Was Your Mother
11 - You Can't Blame the Youths
12 - Just One Look
Hit or Miss is Joel Timmons and Ward Buckheister of Sol Driven Train
Entire show [pretty much] with Philip Antman
First half of second set with Noodle on mandolin
*with Shawn Legare [Dub Island] and Adam Williams [Wadata] on percussion
**with ?? on trombone
***with Shawn Legare [?] on percussion and vocals
+featuring "War", "Natural Mystic", "Alabama Chicken", "Cuckhold Hen", etc.
--the stage was a revolving door of talent. Hard to keep track for the setlist.