Deep Blues Festival
Washington County Fairgrounds
Lake Elmo, MN


01 intro
02 The Sloth
03 Got This Rage
04 banter
05 Trouble
06 banter
07 I'm Your Witch Doctor
08 banter
09 Parchman Farm
10 banter
11 Farmer George
12 banter
13 True Believers
14 banter
15 Burning Skull Blues
16 Margarine Man
17 banter
18 Running On Empty
19 outro

One of the English bands we brought over. This is what his myspace
page has to say (I'm pretty sure this quote was by Rick Saunders):

"It's all about a making one hell of a pounding, primal, amped-up &
skronked out blues racket. Honkeyfinger is the one man band from the
bowels of the earth, erupting molten fuzz lapsteel, screaming harmonica
riffs and desperate bestial howling in a scorching hot cocktail of
heavy raw blues power. The Honkeyfinger sound hotwires the electric
freak rock of vintage Beefheart, Blue Cheer, ZZTop, and Black Sabbath
into a jumping, lurching monster. Boiling up the ghosts of Bukka White,
Leadbelly and John Lee Hooker with the bones of the country blues,
laced with the acid fried heaviosity of the Buttholes Surfers - this is
the thick stinking soup that Mr.Honkeyfinger serves hot."

Day two of three of the 2nd annual Deep Blues Festival.
10th performer of 18 for the day.
49 performances total during the weekend.

The largest outsider and alternative blues event in the world,
the Deep Blues Festival was created to celebrate and bring
awareness to these unique bands. A mix of many styles and genres,
all these bands are performing their idea of the blues or music
influenced by the blues. Purists may not agree. We aren't
out to argue with anyone, just trying to spread the word about
music we enjoy. We call it the Deep Blues.

Commerical Release warning!
A festival compilation may be released by Alive Records of the 49
festival performers. We hope it does. This was an open taping event.

Please support these bands purchasing their recordings and seeing
them live. Find out about the Deep Blues Festival at


