Horseshoes & Hand Grenades
May 30, 2014
Hippy Hill Stage
Bill Monroe Music Park
Bean Blossom,IN
John Hartford Memorial Festival

SOurce-SBD > Zoom H4N @ 24/48
Transfer- Zoom H4N> HDD > Audacity > TLH
Taped,Transferred,Shared by indydarkstar

01. intro
02. Train On The Island
03. Anneliese
05. Weary Bones
06. Cold Sheets Of Rain
07. Sugar In The Wine
08. Wisconsin Water
09. Prairie Chicken Queen
10. Raise A Ruckus
11. Short But Sweet

thanks to:
John Hotze and Tom Burkhart for a great festival and the hospitality
the band for the great set
the sound crew for great sound and the patch

please support artists who allow us to do this
go see a show,buy some stuff,take a friend