Hot 8 Brass Band
West End Blues stage (French Market Place at Gov. Nicholls)
Satchmo SummerFest
New Orleans, La.
August 8, 2010
1 Hot 8 Kickin' It Live (?) 4:16
2 Bill Collecting 6:38
3 Miss My Homies 6:31
4 Shotgun Joe 6:07
5 Get Up 6:37
6 set break 0:32
Source: WWOZ-FM > RadioShark v2.0.2 > Macintosh MacMini (2.53 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo) > 16bit 44.1kHz wav/aiff > firewire hard drive > Macintosh MacBook Pro (2.5 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo) > Bias Peak (normalized by 4.6 db, split into songs) > aiff/wav > xACT v1.71 (level 8 compression, sector boundaries repaired) > flac
Note: some portions were mixed too loudly and are slightly distorted. This was inherent in the broadcast. There is an apparent glitch (or skip) in the music at about 1:19 into Track 3, and another about 1:02 into Track 4. A 0.2-second dropout was removed about 6:03 into Track 4. Another 0.18-second dropout was removed about 4:48 into Track 5. The glitches were also present in the live mp3 stream.