Hot 8 Brass Band
Treme Creole Gumbo Festival
Louis Amstrong Park
New Orleans, La.
Nov. 10, 2012
1 Miss My Homie 4:44
2 8:16
3 5:16
4 3:59
5 6:16
6 6:26
7 Let Me Do My Thing 9:24
8 7:50
9 7:14
10 9:27
11 5:30
Source: WWOZ-FM > RadioShark v2.0.2 > Macintosh MacMini (2.53 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo) > aiff > Quicktime 7.6.3 (convert aiff to wav) > wav > flac v1.2.1 (linux command line; level 8 compression) > flac file
Transfer: flac file (transferred by ftp from remote pc) > MacBook Pro (2.5 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo) > X Audio Compression Toolkit 2.21 (convert to aiff) > aiff > Bias Peak Pro (trimmed, normalized by 2.8 db) > X Audio Compression Toolkit 2.21 (sector boundaries repaired; level 8 compression) > flac
Note: A 5-minute interview with Bennie Pete of the Hot 8 is also included. It aired shortly after the live performance. Recording details are the same (normalized by 2.9 db).