Hunters and Collectors
Day on the green
Leconfield Winery
Maclaren vale 2014-02-22
John Archer - bass guitar, backing vocals
Doug Falconer - drums, percussion, programming, backing vocals
Jack Howard - trumpet, keyboards, backing vocals
Barry Palmer - lead guitar (
Mark Seymour - lead vocal, guitar
Jeremy Smith - french horn, guitars, keyboards, backing vocals
Michael Waters - trombone, keyboards
Rob Miles -mix
Music intro
Talking to a Stranger
Blind Eye
Inside a Fireball
True Tears of Joy
This Morning
Where Do You Go?
Stuck on You
Crime of Passion
Say Goodbye
What's a Few Men? ( some wind noise and aud chatter )
Holy Grail
Dead air
42 Wheels
Back in the Hole
When the River Runs Dry
Do You See What I See?
Little Chalkie
I Believe
Head Above Water
Introduction ( dedication to asylum seeker who died on Manus Island )
Throw Your Arms Around Me
Skin of Our Teeth
Everything's on Fire
The Slab
i have also split any introductions between songs or dead air sections longer then 20 secs into separate tracks, there are 31 tracks in total.
Hunters and Collectors
For those of you who don't know them , Hunters and Collectors ( popularly known as 'Hunnas" in oz speak ) began as a band on the edge, pushing, experimenting, named after a track by the great German Band Can , their original music was out of this world, with tracks like "talking to a stranger" blowing away a generation when they first heard it . This was really groundbreaking original stuff. But over the years, their music gradually became more mainstream , a bit more commercial , a little less confronting and unique.I'd pretty much lost interest in them in the 90s when eventually they spilt up and the members went their own way, their solo endeavours never as strong as the sum of their collective parts.
BUT, they are back and they are MIGHTY . The present incarnation is perhaps a perfect distillation of everything that made them a great band , they play some of their best songs from their impressive back catalogue and although I'd love see them raw and strange, hitting a gas cylinder into oblivion and backing Ian Dury like when I first saw them back in 1981, this show is as good as it gets. Enjoy !
A Day on The Green
I'd heard tales of the copious amounts of booze consumed at the "Days"and this occasion proved to be no exception, they sold out of pints of Carlsberg early on and many folks consumed bottle after bottle of the local vino. The audience was rather subdued early on for the support bands British India ( good solid rocking band ) and Something For Cate , who both deserved a better response , but things livened up for You Am I ( who are a GREAT rock band ) who were received warmly.By the end of their set the gents urinals were packed as the booze took its toll on bladders and many took to peeing on the grass at the back of the outdoor loo onto the canvas that shielded the lads from the gaze of the other punters instead of in the troughs ,as they just could not hold their water -" weak bunch of pricks " as we say down under !
I admit to being somewhat legless myself towards the end of the proceedings ( having contributed to draining a large number of Carlsberg's and Coopers in the afternoon) but that did not diminish my commitment to recording. A good time seemed to generally be had by all, including the lady who fell over whilst dancing down the front of stage. Blondes wearing Australian flag clingy dresses ( see pics ) were in evidence as were many erstwhile 80s and 90s teens - now balding , arthritic and a tad more subdued than they used to be.
However they all came alive for" Hunnas " and there was much gyrating and jollity, as well as movement in the ranks . Security were kept pretty busy moving folks back to their sections as they tried to infiltrate the more expensive seats. It was all very civilised and no one was heavy about it even if they had to be moved on numerous times. Eventually security more or less gave up and plebs from the silver seats mingled with the gold and platinum echelons ( although those who only paid $99 bucks for their positions had to make do with the grass or a camp seat). Their view however was excellent as there were two large video screens on either side of the stage and a full film crew to provide visuals.
The sound was on the whole, outstanding for an outdoor gig , the wind which had been gusty early on had largely ceased during hunters set, although I have had to resort using the mic rumble remover a few times,the audience although pissed were pretty quiet where we were, apart from during the quieter numbers where they took the opportunity to say all the things they wanted to say to their companions which they couldn't do when the PA was cranked up to the max .
All in all it was like a bit like revisiting 1983 except H & C didn't have a gas cylinder to hit onstage , half the old band weren't there anymore , there were some different songs, we weren't in a sweaty pub with a crappy PA and the audience noise was about 100 % quieter then it was back when the pub scene was cranking it.
This is a great show with generally great sound , and its nearly 2 hours long. welcome back "Hunnas!".
Apologies for the time it took to get online, i made a hurried initial mix and then spent about two weeks getting rid of the artefacts i had introduced to the brass and vocals. so i scrapped it and started again from scratch, this version is much more mellow but still has the edge that it had on the night .
SP-CMC-25 cards >SP BB > Sony PCM M10 > 16bit wav > Mac Pro > Adobe Audition ( remove excess applause , adjust levels and minor EQ > XACT SBE( LEVEL 8 )
Stealth mode 6 metres from stage centre , generally quiet audience except where noted.
the whole shebang was mixed, stirred ,cooked up and served up HOT on a flac by Godzgolfball.
Don't sell it , share freely , listen to it LOUD
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
HuntersAndCollectors2014-02-22LeconfieldWineryMaclarenValeAustralia (9).jpg