Ian and Sylvia were an integral part of my education in music, along with Cohen, Dylan, the McGarrigle Sisters and Joni Mitchell.
I was sorting through my many ancient analogue cassettes and found this. The only information I have for it is what was marked on the tape: 'Loving Sound' and 'circa 1969'; serious web searching produced no further details. The recording had two breaks and many fades and dropouts. I removed the breaks and about 20 dropouts without a trace; others proved too difficult and remain. Also improved the largest fade. Still, this full band recording is entirely listenable and I rate it a treasure despite its faults. Have Ian and Sylvia even ever been on DIME before?

Defects: Incomplete; no idea how much is missing. Occasionally the sound is unsteady; first half of t02 is rough.

unknown location -- unknown venue
unknown date (approximately 1969) -- 24:42

01. Loving Sound
02. Twenty Four Hours from Tulsa
04. Smiling Wine
05. -talk-
06. Tears of Rage
07. Give it to the World
08. -talk-

break in the original recording between t01 and t02 and also t04 and t05.
t02: by Burt Bacharach and Hal David
t06: by Bob Dylan
t07: title is best guess.
I remembered some of the lyrics to t03 but the title escapes me; help, please. t07 is new to me and perhaps is a cover; again, help please.
The tracks will bear the 1969 date, although this is not necessarily correct.

No artwork.

Recorded by stevemtl: maybe possibly by microphone in front of TV speaker > Telefunken reel to reel recorder (about 1969) > TDK SA90 cassette (probably about 1990). The original reel is no longer accesible, if it ever existed.
Transferred and posted to DIME on 2015-01-02 by stevemtl:
Sony TC-WR97ES > Sony R500 (SBM-1 @16/48) > R44 (@24/48) > Soundforge (trim, edit, L2 level adjust) > r8brain (vhq downsample)-> Soundforge (L2 dither) -> CDwave (track cut) -> TLH (flac level 8, ffp, md5) -> TLH (torrent) -> DIME

Support Ian and Sylvia by purchasing official releases. Ian tours:
and has an official vendor:
Sylvia rarely performs; her albums are available from the usual sources.
Please reserve mp3 and other degrades for your own use only; do not pass such on.
Do not profit in any material way from this recording.