Ian Anderson's Jethro Tull The Rock Opera
Symphoney Hall Birmingham UK
11TH September 2015
linage Zoom H2 INTERNAL MICS
volume setting 80/100>flac level 8
Well I flew over with the wife from Ireland unfortunately she hates Tull so she spent the duration of the performance in Starbucks!
But I got to see an extreamly fun show.Put out of your mind a normal Tull rock show this is a split between music and a bit of theater
Ian has a screen projecter running all the time with an Icelandic Girl and Ryan O'Donnell singing in between Ian.
The timing was impecable!
oh by the way way the recording came out great! some rarely played piece's which make this a memerable night
Set List
Act One Disc One
Heavy Horses
Wind Up
With You To Help Me
Back To The Family
Farm On The Freeway
Prosperous Pasture
Fruits Of Frankenfield
Songs From The Wood
Act Two Disc Two
And The World Feeds Me
Living In The Past
The Witch's Promise
Cheap Day Return
A New Day Yesterday
The Turnstile Gate
Locomotive Breath
Requiem & Fugue
I have included a scan of the program for the evening and artwork to aid your musical enjoyment
So sit back pump up the volume!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
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