Ian Hunter Band
Roxy Theater Hollywood, CA
1979 July, 9th, (1st nite of 2)
Source: Audience
Deck: Sony TCM-100
Mic: Superscope condenser EC-3
Sound Quality: (B) VG- sound
Source: Original Mono Master Cassette (Scotch C-90)
Transfer: >PB Pioneer CT-F1000>ASUS Xonar DG Sound Card>Audacity 2.0 @96k/24bit>Export multiple tracks 44.1k/16bit flac8>Fixed SBEs>You
Note: The mic Diaphragm ripped so I had to use heavy EQ to notch out the distortion. The recording is still listenable, but not up to it's normal quality.
(There went mic 1 of 3 that I used over the years)
Ian Hunter - guitar, vocals
Mick Ronson - lead guitar, vocals
Tommy Morrongiello - guitar, vocals
Tommy Mandel - keyboards, vocals
George Meyer - keyboards, sax, vocals
Martin Briley - bass, vocals
Hilly Michaels - drums, vocals
01 Intro-Instramental
02 Once Bitten, Twice Shy
03 Life After Death
04 Laugh at Me
05 Just Another Night
06 When The Daylight Comes
07 Letter to Britannia (he stops)
08 Irene Wilde
09 Angeline
10 Standing In My Light
11 All The Way From Memphis
12 Band Intro-Finale
13 Encore
14 Cleveland Rocks
15 All The Young Dudes
One nite in June 1979, out in Hollywood, we got wind that Steve Hackett Tickets we going on sale at the Roxy in the morning. We waited out all night and when the box office opened the told us "the shows were canceled" (he played oct-1980)
But if we wanted we could buy tickets for Ian Hunter that was not annouced yet! So that is where this tape came from. This may be for completists only, but it is a very High energy show, and the only recording I have heard of the band doing "Laugh At Me" a Sonny Bono song.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: