Illegal State Of Mind
Studio Rehearsals
December - 1988
from SEETHELIGHT7 collection # 0541
1st generation tape. Thanks to SEETHEFUZZ7 for digitalizing it from tape and sending it to me.
Rec. Info:
1st gen tape -> wav-file -> wetransfer -> Magix Music Cleaning Lab (edit) -> FLAC (44,1 kHz, 16 Bit, Stereo) -> DIME
Excellent studio sound.
This is a really nice discovery from the days from back in the 80's when the N�rnberg Rock scene was compared to the one in Seattle.
Even if this band here has nothing to do with Grunge it is a fine example of acid drenched heavy psychedelia.
The band existed from the late 80's to the mid 90's and in 1992 they toured Germany as opener for Blue Oyster Cult.
I wonder how the audience reacted to these "strange" sounds?
The guitarist, Albi Albrecht, died in 1997 of cancer.
According to Discogs they released an album (date unknown), a 12" and a 7".
A photo of the band from 1990 out of the web is attached.
sorry, no setlist (59:50 min.)
Albi Albrecht - Guitar, Vocals
Stefan Zeitler - Bass, Vocals
Conni Allwarth - Drums
Support the artists, go to their shows (not possible here anymore), buy their albums.
Do convert to lossy files, unless for personal use. Don't ever sell!
Uploaded to DIME by Stacheleber 2013/12/02
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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