The Jerry Garcia Band
Civic Auditorium
Santa Monica, California
May 23, 1976
Jerry Garcia-vocals & guitar
Keith Godchaux-piano
Donna Jean Godchaux-vocals
Ron Tutt-drums
John Kahn-bass
First set
Disc 1
01. Sugaree *
02. Catfish John
03. That's What Love Will Make You Do
04. Who Was John? (tape flip-spliced @ 8:25-some music missing)
Disc 2
05. After Midnight
06. The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down
07. The Way You Do the Things You Do
08. Friend of the Devil (tape change)
09. Lonesome and a Long Way From Home
Second set
Disc 3
01. Mission in the Rain *
02. They Love Each Other *
03. Tore Up Over You * (tape flip)
04. Stop that Train *
05. Mystery Train *
06. My Sisters & Brothers *
07. Don't Let Go *
08. Mighty High * (tape runs out) > ? (possibly a final song)
Total Running Time: 183 minutes and 24 seconds
*(songs that start a moment late)
Sourced from the masters
Recorded by Allen Tarzwell & Mike Martin with support from Cathy Tarzwell & Dulcy McGuinness
Allen ran the tape deck and I held the microphone
Unknown Sony Microphone > Sony TC-50 using 2 TDK Audua C90 cassettes (mono, auto-leveling cassette recorder)
Nakamichi CR7A w/ Azimuth alignment, no Dolby & Bias @ 120 usec > Korg MR2000-s @ 1 bit 5.6 MHz DSDIFF
AudioGate (32-96) > iZotope RX6 advanced (prep & 24-96) > CD Wave > AudioGate Aqua (16-44) > TLH
Andrew F. finds a Jerry Garcia Band recording on e-bay and In July of 2018 he shares it at LL mentioning that "there are no other known recordings of this show".
Turns out this was one of our recordings and Allen was able to find the master cassettes and send them to me.
Thanks to Andrew as I was not aware that we made the only recording of this show.
Not a "hi-fidelity" stereo capture but it is nice and clear without a lot of distortion and direct from the master tapes transferred using quality equipment.
And may I add, with love and care as this was the first time I saw Jerry play.
We should have brought a 3rd cassette.
By the second set we knew we were going to run out of tape so we started using the pause button between songs.
This resulted in us missing the beginning notes of the next song.
As it was we still ran out of tape and that's me signing off as the clear leader started to unwind.
Performed an end to end clean-up of bumps, clunks & clicks using iZotope RX6 advanced.
Reduced loud clapping, whistling and chatter where possible.
Spot repairs so just the loudest noises were removed.
Spliced tape flips and blended the places where Allen was a moment slow at releasing the pause button.
Inserted additional applause from the first set to smooth out some of the abrupt breaks in the second set.
No eq or noise reduction was used on this.
Special thanks go out to Allen Tarzwell for sending me his masters
Thanks to Cathy and Dulcy for putting up with us recording the show and ignoring them.
Ticketmaster made "Gary Garcia Band" tickets for this show and a copy is included.
Thanks to JGMF for supplying the "stultifying turtles" show review from the L.A. Free Times.
Trivia fun: This was the last JGB show before the GD's hiatus came to an end.
For historical reference only and not intended for resale or any commercial use
-M- (October 2018)
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