July 05, 2012
Quixote's True Blue
Denver, CO
Total Time = 106:08
3 Source Matrix:
DPA 4022| DPA 4027 | DPA 4060
Source 1: DPA 4022 XY -> w/V3
Preamp -> Tascam DR680
Source 2: DPA 4027 ORFT -> Naiant Mid
Box -> Tascam DR680
Source 3: DPA 4060 - 3 ft omni spread
-> Tascam DR680
Location: Right side of board,
Mic's on stand at 7.5 feet.
20 Feet from monitors.
Transfer: Tascam DR680 (24/96) wav ->
USB cable -> PC
Editing: Wavelab plugins -> Flac(16)
MD5's and SBE checked and verified.
Recorded by Patrick H.
Disc 1 Set 1 (53:59)
01 Fire on Mountain - Star 7:08
02 Stop the Train 9:20
03 Neightbor Neighbor 12:06
04 Paint my masterpiece 5:25
05 Run for the Roses 10:51
06 Midnight Moonlight 8:49
Disc 1 Set 1 (52:24)
01 Who Was John 7:05
02 I"ll Be with Thee 5:31
03 Sisters and Brothers 4:11
04 Mighty High 10:21
05 Shakedown Street 14:41
06 Dancin in the Streets 10:35
Notes: JGB played outside on the main
patio for one set from 3:00 to 5:00.
Jay daughter star sand "Fire on the
Mountain with JGB" first song only.
Well attended for tues afternoon.
Recorded with DPA mics from right
of board. Mics on stand at 7.5 feet.
Created a 6 track matrix. Crowd
banter is almost non-exsistent.
Sound at the venue was very good.
Sound of recording is very good to
Performance: A+
Sound Quality: A-/A
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