J.J. Cale
1993-06-06 Northampton, Massachusetts Pearl Street Nightclub (M-AUD)
01. ? (instrumental)
02. Cajun Moon
03. People Lie
04. Devil In Disguise
05. Tijuana
06. Humdinger
07. Runaround
08. Hard Times
09. ...Call Me The Breeze
10. River Runs Deep
11. Sensitive Kind
12. Artificial Paradise
13. Cocaine
14. After Midnight
15. Magnolia
16. Crazy Mama
17. Borrowed Time
Total Time ::: 1:32:49
::: Fine audience keeping in mind the sound system & room were NOTHING special & Lochner was standing in the midst of the crowd. Check samples if yr a nervous nellie.
::: Warts : Nuttin' much. 2 tape flip cuts... "Call Me The Breeze" fades in & "Borrowed Time" has a carefully spliced cut in the middle. Could probably use a bit more dullspot research, but did touch 'er up. There is some audience participation but it ain't too bad!
Recording Information ::: Sony D-6 portable tape recorder, single Sennheiser 300 microphone with shotgun shell (mono y-jacked into both channels) -> master Maxell XLII-S 90 & XLII-S 100 cassettes, Dolby off.
Playback 2011-12-05 ::: master Maxell XLII-S 90 & XLII-S 100 cassettes on Nakamichi BX-300 cassette deck, Dolby off, azimuth & speed adjusted (pitched!) for individual recording, heads cleaned & demagnatized -> Tascam CD-RW900SL professional CD recorder -> CD-RW, no track splits -> computer -> EAC secure mode (logs made) -> wav file(s) Audacity (normalisation to remove DC offset, channel/phase alignment, fades, manual one-at-a-time glitch / dropout / bump / pop / click / dullspot repairs, volume adjustments, further speed fix -.35%, NO equalisation) -> CD Wave (track splits) -> Trader's Little Helper -> yer ears. First uploaded week of 2013-08-04.
Line-up ::: J.J. Cale - guitar, vocals // Christine Lakeland - guitar // Jim Gordon - harmonica // Doug Bell - electric bass // James Cruce - drums // James Karstein - drums, congas, cowbells, percussion.
Nothing here ever commercially released to my knowledge. If I'm wrong, please advise & I'll take the offending trax offline.
CoolSonics 095 ::: Thanks to the original taper, Lochner! ::: Corrections welcome ::: . As with several of these Cale shows I have & will upload, this should be the best-ever transfer & the first foray into the digital world from the master. Sad that what kicked me into gear to finish this one up is JJ's demise. The world's lost another big one & in the same week as Mick Farren no less, & still can't believe Ken Whaley has left the planet, and... so it goes. Managed to catch JJ in 4 of his 6 decades of playing commercial music. Was the first time the best time? Most definitely, the mid-70s gig was fascinating, I still remember that weird-ass acoustic with the back taken off. Think it finally showed up in the Paradise video so I could see it once again. But I enjoyed JJ every time I saw him, the last time about 10 years ago & he was excellent. Always looked like he'd just smoked a fat one just before coming out on stage. Never knew what level of subtlety or intricacy we were going to get, or how full-bore he was going to go with the guitar, but he did not leave me wanting. "Naturally" still holds its own as one of the most important records that's ever graced a record shelf & holds some distinction just for the rippin' songwriting. While JJ recorded some REAL finery thru the years, that one was never topped, some kinda perfection. Still wondering why the hell there aren't more 70s live recordings around, they must exist. Anyway, here is some more fish for your stream. Enjoy the catch!
Kudos to Zongo for life support, Lochner for mikes&more & Fast Freddie for runnin' Video Dick's Record Emporium with the bathroom office full of tape decks. Thanks to Hanwaker (few among us can keep his pace). Mountains of gratitude to Davmar, D.White, Sanchez, Elliot, The Florida Kid, Kloiber, Zingg, JTW, Bershaw, Boston Gold, Dixon, Moore, Gough & SO many more for all that collecting & sharing... Royal thanks to The Man In The Palace, Doc Tinker, Brinkhoffs, Barely Eatin', Reel Master Gaule, Parrish & all the traders who housed me thru my music acquisition & travel years. Hats off to Brother Kent, Uncle Jake, Little Queenie (& her neighbor Frank) & his honor Ptomaine Thomas. Glasses raised to Byron for musical horizon expansion & much obliged to J & Thurston for keepin' my concert fires burnin' since my continental shift. Thanks to the Mods for keepin' DIME alive. Enjoy, share, give, spread peace. Yers truly, Knees
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