JACK BRUCE & FRIENDS (w/ Coryell, Mitchell, Mandel)

1970-01-30 - 'Fillmore East' New York, New York (early show)

lineage: 1st gen > wav > flac

01. Intro by Keeva Krystal / Blues jam (Jack on harmonica)
02. Politician
03. Weird of Hermiston / Tickets To Waterfalls / Theme For An Imaginary Western
04. HCKHH (announced as Hayseed Country Kicking Ho Ho Blues)
05. We're Going Wrong
06. Rope Ladder To The Moon / The Clearout
07. Sunshine of Your Love

08. Blood of the Sun (small snippet of Mountain´s show)

Jack Bruce - voc / bass / harp
Larry Coryell - git
Mike Mandel - organ
Mitch Mitchell - drums

Here is a tape that I believe has not been around very much. At least I have never seen it listed anywhere. I would say this is for completists only, as the sound is VERY rough and distorted as soon as the group starts playing louder. Probably that is one of the reasons that this tape has not been traded too much.

I think some remastering could be done. There are different possibilities: you might want to try and split up the channels (it is a mono recording, but the channels differ in quality) or try some equalization. I also tried to adjust some Clip Distortion filtering in Logic Express and the results were not too bad, but at the same time it takes away too much of the original ambience on this tape (if you could say ambience :-)) so I voted for an absolutely unaltered upload for you all. You gotta make the best out of this for yourself.

I sincerely hope that more tapes of this great line-up will surface! It was a really good group. Here is a list of the shows they played back then, if any of these took place in your hometown, please go out and find old traders and tapers, you just never know what some might still have in their attic. The three shows we have (Lyceum, FIllmore East 31st of Jan and this one can´t be all there is....I also wonder of there are any tapes from their rehearsals in London in January 1970. Probably Jack has some.....

Special thanks have to go out to the very dedicated collector who gave me a copy of this!
You know who you are....


brought to you by olvator 10/2009