Hi Everyone:
Got this from a DJ at WBCN-FM. I am not too sure about this having great merit. They both sound like they are stoned or had a great time last night. It is an odd impromptu session. Neither one seems ever to get in tune. My notes say that there maybe some slight speed issues, but who can tell as they are constantly tuning their guitars. I'll let the community be the judge.
The stereo separation moves constantly from wide to mono. They are also sitting on very squeaky chairs throughout the performance. There is some over modulation throughout. I am just listing the things that will get commented about later. I broke out the WBCN DJ’s talking into separate tracks in case you wanted to omit them…….(For your listening pleasure).
As many of us will remember, during the early 70's WBCN-FM was known for doing some very different things. Reporting the sports scores was rarely done. They had trouble correctly saying some of the ski manufacturers (Rossignol Skis) when their commercials came on. One night I remember a listener had recorded Steppenwolf’s 'Sookie Sookie' on the left channel and Cream's 'I Feel Free' on the right and sent it in to the station. They gave everyone approx 5 mins to get their headphones on before they played the tape back. Both songs played back at the same time, each on one channel. It was a different station than it is now. This recording is from that time period..........Hezekiahx2
Jackson Browne & David Blue
WBCN-FM Studios, Boston Mass
August 27th 1972
Total Time 54:14
WBCN Station Copy (7½ ips ½ Track) -> [Maxell UD35-90 7 1/2" reel (Revox B-77) 7 1/2ips 1/4 track] --> Tascam CD-RW2000 --> EAC --> CDWAV --> FLAC
1. DJ Maxanne Intro and Tuning
2. The Times You've Come (Jackson Browne)
3. Talking and Tuning
4. Jamaica Say You Will (Jackson Browne)
5. Talking and Tuning
6. Many Have Loved Me (David Blue)
7. Talking and Tuning
8. Yesterday (David Blue....Possible speed issues??)
9. Talking and Tuning
10. Jesus in 3/4 time (Jackson Browne)
11. Talking and Tuning
12. I'll Be True To You (Jackson Browne & David Blue)
13. Talking and Tuning
14. Tonight Will Be Fine (Jackson Browne & David Blue)
15. Talking and Tuning
16. Lady of the Well (Jackson Browne & David Blue)
17. Talking and Tuning
18. Boston (Jackson Browne & David Blue)
19. Talking and Tuning
As with all Digital releases, this is for free trade or blank media trade only.
Not to be bought or sold. Keep the spirit of trading alive and well.
Nothing has been edited out or EQ'd except a reel flip