Jackson Browne
Red Rocks Amphitheatre
Morrison, Colorado
August 11, 1977
Transfer: Tape Trade > unknown transfer to CDR > xACT 2.39 > Peak Pro 6 (pitch adjusted -20 cents) > iZotope RX / ozone 5 (mastered) > Peak Pro 6 (post production) > xACT 2.39 > FLAC
01 The Fuse
02 Rock Me On The Water
03 Linda Paloma
04 The Late Show
05 Here Come Those Tears Again
06 Love Needs A Heart
07 For Everyman
08 The Road
09 Cocaine
10 For A Dancer
11 You Love The Thunder
12 Running On Empty
13 Before The Deluge
14 Sleep�s Dark And Silent Gate
15 The Pretender
Known Faults:
-The Fuse: first few seconds cut
The LP �Running On Empty� was released on December 6, 1977, the album concept was to record on the fly songs, not previously released, in locations associated with touring (on stage, hotel rooms, buses, backstage). A unique concept that is widely viewed as his most accessible album and the last of a brilliant run of five releases beginning with 1972�s �Jackson Browne� (1980 began a string of less than stellar releases as Jackson tended to fall victim to the excessive over-production of the 1980�s).
Red Rocks marked the opening night of the tour and live debut of many of the songs that would ultimately end up on the �Running On Empty� release four months later. The live songs on the release were taken from August 27th Columbia, MD, September 6th & 7th Holmdel, NJ and the September 17th Universal City shows. The basic structure of the set remained the same as the 1976 tour, the only drawback I can see is the shows could have been an hour longer and maintained a high level of musical output. This tour showed Jackson to be both a singer songwriter and a showman.
The raw tape came with a number of issues needing to be repaired before release. It ran slightly fast throughout and has been pitch adjusted. The frequency spectrum leaned heavily to the high end making it a bit shrill in places with a small bit of high end distortion, it's at time a little rough around the edges. Mastering took care of a vast majority of these issues and the results, though not perfect, are quite listenable.
Samples provided and artwork included�
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