Jackson Browne
September 30, 1988 (1988-09-30)
Tower Theatre
Upper Darby, Pennsylvania
Decent stereo soundboard recording - check the samples to get an idea of the quality for yourself.
Lineage: cassette master > 1st generation Dolby B encoded Maxell UDXLII S 100 cassette.
Transfer: (grner1 - 2022-08-05): Nakamichi Dragon (Dolby B decoded) > Sound Devices MixPre-6 II @ 32bit (float) / 96kHz > Pro Tools (speed-pitch adjust, normalize, minor seamless fixes, tracking and down-sampling - no EQ or DNR) > WAV files > xACT (Flac level 8 files, tagged with sector boundaries verified for the 16/44.1 files).
01 Boulevard 3:45
02 Tender Is The Night 4:39
03 In The Shape Of A Heart 6:27
04 Enough Of The Night 4:48
05 For Everyman 6:01
06 Lives In The Balance 4:28
07 Anything Can Happen 5:38
08 talk 1:29
09 The Word Justice 4:50
10 Soldier Of Plenty 4:28
11 Black And White 4:54 [tape flip near beginning of this song]
12 Cocaine 7:38
13 Linda Paloma false start and talk 2:29
14 For A Dancer 5:12
15 I Thought I Was A Child 3:17
16 Late For The Sky 5:28
17 Lawyers In Love 4:07
18 Till I Go Down > 4:31
19 When The Stone Begins to Turn 4:24
20 talk 1:06
21 For America [cut] 3:50
Total - 93:29
Notes (grner1 - 2022-08-16): The suggested split point for burning CDs is between tracks 11 and 12. Thanks to Professor Goody for the speed-pitch adjustment amounts (+8 cents on side A and +16 cents on side B of the cassette). Please support the artists and the live venues any way that you can. Enjoy and SHARE!
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