Jackson Browne
Glasgow Royal Concert Hall
19th June 2017
Set One - CD 1
Just Say Yeah
The Long Way Around
Before the Deluge
Looking East
I'm Alive
For Everyman
Walls and Doors
For a Dancer
Doctor My Eyes
Set Two - CD 2
Your Bright Baby Blues
These Days
Something Fine
Somebody's Baby
In The Shape Of A Heart
Sky Blue and Black
The Barricades of Heaven
Jamaica Say You Will
The Pretender
Running on Empty
Take It Easy
Recorded from front row of Block C - near stage
Recorded using ZOOM H2 - Memory Card - PC - Adobe - Audacity - TLH
Once on my PC I put the raw file through Adobe Audition to sort out the sound.
I then tracked using Audacity before converting to FLAC using TLH.
Included some pics from the gig.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
JacksonBrowne2017-06-19GlasgowRoyalConcertHallScotland (6).JPG
JacksonBrowne2017-06-19GlasgowRoyalConcertHallScotland (7).JPG
JacksonBrowne2017-06-19GlasgowRoyalConcertHallScotland (8).JPG
JacksonBrowne2017-06-19GlasgowRoyalConcertHallScotland (9).JPG