Jacob Fred Jazz Odyssey (with The Slip & Jay Rodriguez)
Mercury Lounge, New York, NY
Source: Schoeps CMC64v (Stage lip, slightly left of center) > Lunatec V2 > Sonic AD2K > DAT > D7
Transfer: Sony R500 > Coax Digital > MOTU Ultralight > Peak Pro 6 (converted to 44.1 kHz, normalized)
Recorded by: Dan Heend, patched by Franklin Malemud
Transfer by Harry McQuillen, April 2014
One Set + Encore
1. intro
2. Peace @
3. The Calm Before the Storm
4. George Bush is a Liar *
5. What In God's Name Is That Smell? (Dick Cheney is Also a Huge Liar) #
6. The Slip > Get Me With Fuji > drums > The Slip #
7. Dick Cheney is also a Liar #*
8. George Bush Lies to His Mom #*
9. Solar *#%
10. encore break
11. Vernal Equinox > The Lucky Dragon > Vernal Equinox #*
12. birthday wishes to Ben and Brad plays Imagine #^
* with Jay Rodriguez on flute/sax
# with The Slip
@ Ornette Coleman song
% Miles Davis song
Thanks to Franklin for the DAT! This is a nice one, enjoy!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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