Jamboree In The Hills
1986-07-19 & 20
St. Clairsville, OH
VHS to Pinnacle Studio 14 to AVI to DVD.
This video was recorded by the venue and only sold by the venue at their souvenir shop.
It was not an official recording by any artists who performed. No other recording from
this venue was ever sold again, that I could find. The shows by this venue were broadcast
on radio and TV.
The VHS is over 35 years old and although like new, it was not viewable at first.
It was played repeatedly and heated slightly to get the tape surface flat again.
The VCR was cleaned repeatedly through the process. Although not DVD quality,
it looks pretty good for a VHS.
Scans of the box and a can that can be used as a DVD cover are included.
Screenshots will be in the comments.
It is more blessed to give than to receive.
There is a menu and each song is a chapter.
1 Intro with Amazing Grace
2 Lee Greenwood - God Bless The USA
3 Girls Next Door - Love Will Get You Through Times With No Money
4 Sawyer Brown - Step That Step
5 Judds - Mama He's Crazy
6 George Jones - The Corvette Song
7 George Jones - Bartender's Blues
8 Nicolette Larson - When You Get A Little Lonely
9 Nicolette Larson - Angels Rejoiced Last Night
10 Ray Stevens - The Streak
11 Billy "Crash" Craddock - American Trilogy
12 Gary Morris - 100% Chance Of Rain
13 Matthew Morris - Mama Don't Dance
14 Bellamy Brothers - Old Hippie
15 Nitty Gritty Dirt Band - Mr. Bojangles
16 Nitty Gritty Dirt Band - Cadillac Ranch
17 Oak Ridge Boys - Dancing The Night Away
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: