Audience Recording by Knut A.
Unknown portable cassette recorder w.built-in mic
Master cassette > wav > flac
(wav files edited & tracked in Peak Pro 5.2)
Here's another recording by Knut A.
Knut A used to record concerts in Tromsš (a town in Northern Norway) and the surrounding areas from the mid-1980's to the mid-1990's. When he passed away in 1996, his sister lent me the tapes and asked me to make a kind of inventory. I also transferred them to CDRs for her and kept wav-copies for myself. Over the years I've already offered most of the tapes on DAD, but there are still a few left. This is one of them.
During this particular concert, the security personnel noticed Knut's cassette recorder and confiscated it. He told me this once, but I don't remember the details anymore, but somehow he was able to persuade the security people to give him the recorder back (!), and he was able to resume the recording. Because of this, there is however a considerable (?) portion of the concert missing. Listening to the recording, I do however have problems pin pointing where the missing portion should have been. Maybe at the end, because the end is definitely missing, but that would mean he wasn't able to resume the recording after all ... (?). Anyway: The sound quality is not the best - maybe a bit distant and hollow - but the recording is quite listenable.
As for the tracklist, I'm not too familiar with James Brown myself, so most of the titles are missing, and the tracking could probably also have been better.
Disc 1:
01 // Intro >
02 Living in America >
03 (?)
04 (?)
05 Instrumental incl.drum solo
06 (?) >
07 (?) >
08 Instrumental
09 (?)
10 Funky time
11 It's a man's world >
12 Guitar solo
13 (?)
14 (redundant fade out track)
Disc 2
01 (redundant fade in track)
02 Papa's got a brand new bag
03 I Feel good
04 (?)
05 // (?)