James Gang (with Tommy Bolin) .... February 14, 1974
Academy of Music, New York, N.Y., U.S.A.
Tommy Bolin – guitar
Dale Peters - bass
Jim Fox - drums
Roy Kenner - vocals
Taper: unknown
Source: AUD (??unknown generations??)
Lineage: Trade CDR> (wav) EAC (secure mode)> (flac) Trader's Little Helper level 6 (align on sector boundaries)
Quality: ex-
Length: 4 tracks; 29:43 minutes
Artwork: none.
Samples: none.
Trade: I forget who with (not with Chris). Thank you!
Set list:
01 Funk 49
02 The Devil is singing our Song
03 Must be love
04 Stratus
05 Blues (aka Goin' Down Slow)
06 Standing in the rain
07 Walk away
08 My Door is open
Support the band: Buy the officially released items, etc.
Prepared by Jeff James (roryglzep@aol.com)