James Montgomery Blues Band w/Charlie Farren
Saturday February 20, 2010
Amato Theater
Milford, NH, USA

Source: CSB > BB Bass Roll Off ON > R-09 (24 bit/48 KHz)
Location: Audience dfc, 30 ft from stage
Lineage: R-09 > CEP 2.1 (iZotope Ozone 4) > WAV (dithering 16/44.1) > CD Wave Tracking > FLAC level 8
Traders Little Helper MD5/FFP file generation & SBE check

Recording & Mastering : SolitaryPine
A SolitaryPine production [SP026], www.SolitaryPine.net


1) JRS
2) Good Time
3) Schoolin' Them Dice
4) Delta Storm
5) Same Thing (2 versions)
6) Heart
7) Can't Get Next To You (intro of Charlie Farren)
8) Sweet 16
9) I Hear You Knockin'
10) Intoxicated
11) Talk Dirty
12) Yonders Wall
13) Who Do You Love (with solos)
- Encore -
14) Harmonica solo
15) You Never Can Tell (Teenage Wedding)

Band Info:

James Montgomery - Lead vocals and harmonica
George McCann - Guitar
David Hull - Bass
Seth Pappas - Drums

Charlie Farren - Guitar & vocals



== Tapers Notes ==

What a fun and great show. My first time seeing them, and hopefully not the last.
The house was half full, and the crowd was into them. Hopefully this gig was enough to
attract more performing arts to this part of NH! It's also nice to have something
near my backyard for once instead of having to travel 60+ minutes in any direction to
get to a gig.

The sound was also very nice from my location in between the speaker stacks.
No complaints at all there. My battery box starting acting up with some sort of
loose connection issue before the show and I tried to work it out but could not identify
where it was. The same issue rears it's ugly head during "Same Thing" a little bit.
You can hear some scratchiness as a result, but it's by no means overwhelming.

I was hoping for more Farrenheight songs too, but was pleased we got Talk Dirty at least.
Although raised with Farrenheight in the 80's, regrettably I never did get a chance to see
them live. They have some great songs.

For the encore song You Never Can Tell, the band was jammin' and towards the end, David Hull
tripped over a cord and fell onto his bass amp stack, knocking it over. No damage to either him
or the equipment, but it was a sort of scary moment for everyone. He was smiling though.

I managed to ask the sound guy to give me James' set list that was prominently perched in
his harmonica case. I have included a scan of that actual set list in PDF format for your enjoyment.
I used this setlist to produce the track listing above. Note how the encore is missing from the list.

The only tweaks performed during mastering in CEP 2.1 using the DirectX Plugin iZotope Ozone 4 was a
constant volume adjustment boost. No EQ or any other effects were added.

I want to thank Lee M. also for sitting with me and being a good sport for the whole show!

I did not sell this recording, or use it for any commercial or personal gain.
You shouldn't either. It's done out of the love and respect of the artist and their music.
Please trade freely in lossless audio formats only.
Please retain this text file for any and all trades where possible.
seed, Seed, SEED!

Released - February 23, 2010