Federation of Norwegian Jazz Musicians w/ Molvaer, Aarset, Vinaccia play JAN GARBAREK 1987-05-20 OSLO, Norway (FM reseed w/ mp3-sample)
Federation of Norwegian Jazz Musicians
w/ Molvaer, Aarset, Vinaccia play JAN GARBAREK
(june 25th, 1987)
Studio 19
Oslo, Norway
Bestellingsverk av Jan Garbarek til foreningen Norske Jazzmusikere.
commissioned work written by Jan Garbarek,
performed by the Federation of Norwegian Jazz Musicians (FNJ).
thanks a thousand times to MORTENM
whose investigations brought the correct details.
fm recording
aired by norwegian radio NRK.no on 1987-06-25
checked for losslessness w/ TLH
sound sample provided in comments section
1. Til Underholdning (for entertainment) 21:38
FNJ (Federation of Norwegian Jazz Musicians) lineup:
Christian Eggen - conductor
Tony Ascanio - trombome
Henning Johnsen - trombome
Torbj�rn Sunde - trombome
Guttorm Guttormsen - flute
Nils Jansen - clarinet
Harald Bergersen - clarinet
Vidar Johansen - bass clarinet
Rob Waring - perc
Finn Sletten - drums, perc
Eivind Aarset - guitar, electronics
Nils Petter Molvaer - trumpet
Jan Gunnar Hoff - keys
Tor Mathisrud - bass
Paolo Vinaccia - drums, perc
corrected cover artwork inside
come and contribute to
last seed by FBAUER on 2012-01-14
re-seeded by FBAUER 2014-11-26
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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