Jan Garbarek Group feat. Trilok Gurtu - 2022-05-01 Gronau Germany 110.44 AUD MC (Pittylabelle)
Live indoor concert:
34. Jazzfest Gronau 2022
30. April - 8. May 2022
"Jan Garbarek Group feat. Trilok Gurtu"
Support Act: No
Date: Sunday, 2022 05 01 | Start: 20:00 (GMT +01:00)
Location: Bürgerhalle Gronau, Spinnereistraße 20, Gronau, Germany
Source: Digital AUD recording
Tickets: 39,00 Euro, plus advance booking fees (seated)
Box office: 54,00 Euro
Concert pictures: A few concert shots and more included
Jan Garbarek - Saxes
Trilok Gurtu - Percussion, Drums, Tablas
Rainer Brüninghaus - Piano, Keyboards
Yuri Daniel - Electric Bass
01 Introduction by MC Otto Lohle [02:07]
02 Unidentified Track [12:59]
03 Unidentified Track [06:56]
04 Pageant [10:27]
05 Tao (Bass Solo) [04:27]
06 Yr [08:48]
07 Survivor [09:57]
08 I Took Up The Runes [07:28]
09 Metamorphosen (Piano Solo) [08:14]
10 Unidentified Track [8:03]
11 Seven Horses (Percussion Solo) [12:54]
12 Nu Bein [08:07]
13 Audience [01:38]
14 Unidentified Track [06:29]
15 Audience [02:03]
Total time: 110.44 min
Jazzfest Gronau 2022
Kongenial begleitet von seinen langjährigen Wegbegleitern an den Keyboards Rainer Brüninghaus, dem
brasilianischen E-Bassisten Yuri Daniel und dem berühmten indischen Meistertrommler Trilok Gurtu
kommt der norwegische Saxophonist Jan Garbarek erneut zum Jazzfest Gronau. Nicht nur Insider behaupten,
diesen Saxophonton vergisst man nie, selbst, wenn man Jan Garbarek nur einmal gehört hat.
In diesem Ton ist seine Persönlichkeit so konzentriert, dass sie sich, wie sonst nur bei ganz wenigen
anderen Musikern, beim ersten Ton offenbart; einzigartig und unvergesslich, ein bleibendes Erlebnis.
In den weiten Klangräumen, die dieser Ton und mit ihm die unvergleichlich eindringlich gezogenen
Melodielinien schaffen, gewinnt Garbareks Musik einen schmerzlichen Glanz: Intensität statt Sentimentalität,
eine sinnliche Sensation, die uns sprachlos werden lässt. Er gilt nicht zu Unrecht als einer der
ganz Großen der zeitgenössischen Musik, stilprägend und beständig und wie kein Zweiter in seiner
unspektakulären Spielweise.
Die meditative Suggestivkraft dieses weltweit einzigartigen Saxophonisten, der als Instrumentalist eine
Popularität erreicht hat, die sonst nur Vokalisten vorbehalten bleibt, ist das Ergebnis seines Bemühens,
das Schwierige einfach erscheinen zu lassen. Zu verstehen ist der Triumph des Einfachen allerdings nur,
wenn wir den Weg dorthin bedenken. Der Hinter- und Untergrund seines hymnischen Pathos ist der Jazz
der sechziger Jahre mit seinen wilden und freien Improvisationen sowie die Volks- und Kunstmusik zahlloser
Kulturen, wobei er die „exotischste“ Variante in der Folklore seiner Heimat Norwegen fand.
Congenially accompanied by his longtime companions on the keyboards Rainer Brüninghaus, the Brazilian
electric bassist Yuri Daniel and the famous Indian master drummer Trilok Gurtu, the Norwegian saxophonist
Jan Garbarek will once again come to Jazzfest Gronau. Not only insiders claim you never forget this
saxophone tone, even if you have heard Jan Garbarek only once.
In this tone, his personality is so concentrated that, as is usually the case with very few other musicians,
it reveals itself from the first note. It is unique and unforgettable, a lasting experience. In the wide sound
spaces created by this tone and with it the incomparably insistent melodic lines, he wins over the listener.
Garbarek's music gains a painful brilliance: intensity instead of sentimentality, a sensual sensation that
leaves us speechless. He is not without reason considered one of the greats of contemporary music, style-
defining and consistent and like no other in his unspectacular way of playing.
The meditative suggestive power of this worldwide unique saxophonist, who as an instrumentalist has reached
a popularity as an instrumentalist, which is otherwise reserved for vocalists, is the result of his effort
to make the difficult seem simple. The triumph of simplicity can only be understood, however, if we consider
the way there. The background and subsoil of his hymnal pathos is the jazz of the sixties of the sixties
with its wild and free improvisations as well as the folk and art music of countless cultures, whereby he
found the most "exotic" variant in the folklore of his homeland Norway.
Lineage recording (2022 05 01, Pittylabelle):
-> Position: 12th row a little left from the center of the stage
-> Recorder: Olympus LS-12 via Mic-In jack, plug-in-power "On", sensitivity "High"
-> Microphone: Special OKM Rock "Variant" (external binaural in-ear stereo microphone)
-> WAV-File 24 Bit / 88.2 kHz
Lineage production (2022 05 07 + 15, Pittylabelle):
-> Editing: Sound Forge Pro 13.0: Volume adjustment
-> Editing: iZotope Ozone 8: Mastering (EQ, Dynamic EQ, Maximizer)
-> Editing: Sound Forge Pro 13.0: Track editing
-> Conversion: Sound Forge Pro 13.0: Downsample and dither to 16 Bit / 44.1 kHz, at highest quality
-> Coding: TLH: Align on sector boundaries (Level 8), WAV to FLAC
To preserve the sound of the original recording as well as possible:
NO fade-in or -out, NO track normalisation, NO soundfilter!
In short: There is no music left out!
Concert pictures: Hartmut Springer
Seeded by Pittylabelle, for www.zappateers.com / 2022 05 15
Brought to you by Pittylabelle - Enjoy!
Please do not convert to MP3!
Support the artist - go to concerts - buy the records.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
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