Jason Isbell & Band
Haldern, Germany
Haldern Pop Festival #33
13. August 2016
minimax master-series #661
Master - Audience recording
Taping-location: second row, right side
Sound-quality: excellent
event: sold-out, Spiegelzelt: pickepackefull
Equipment: Zoom H4N with Sound professional microphones SP-CMC-8 !!!
concert-info: day 03 of this years' HPF. Finally day three became �my day�.
I was on the huge field at the mainstage to see �Daughter� which ev'rybody told me I had to see. And that was boring boring and boring. So I went back into the Spiegelzelt where Mr. Isbell just entered the stage. I could get into the second row easily and start this recording. Hadn't heard of this man before but that's what Haldern Pop is for.
Jason Isbell and band immmediately reminded me of some Bruce Springsteen and folks like that. Country-Folk-Rock, Beside there was another guy (wearing a H�sker D�-shirt � all of this years' male-visitors seemed to wear H�sker D�-shirts, don't you think so, too, Mr. Beaver??), �h, what, ah: the guy on my right side was really into that gig, knew each and every word and sang louder that the artist. Hope my Zoom has recorded him as well as the artist.
Including Cover-Artwork!
Jason Isbell
& Band
(taken from the setlist)
something more than
24 frames
flying over water
al pines
decoration day
speed trap town
if it takes a lifetime
cover me up
never gonna change
children of children
support this man and his band
Go to his concerts
Buy his records and merch
Do not sell. For trading only. ..and -of course- for fun!
No MP3 please!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: