Jazz Mandolin Project
Jim Porter's Emporium
Louisville, Kentucky
January 26, 1998
Source: (?) Coresound Binaurals (w/ roll-off) > Modified Battery Box > Sony TCD-D8 > DAT(c)
Transfer: DAT(c) > Sony PCM-R500 > SPDIF > Tascam HD-P2 > CDWave > FLAC
Source by unknown
DAT(c) provided by Jason Sobel
Transfer by Terry Watts
Disc 1
Set I:
1. Chapeau
2. Tuang Guru
3. Orpheus
4. Contois
5. Good 'n Plenty
6. Nimbus
Set IIe: is missing.
Source info may be incorrect. This DAT also has part of another show on it
and the Source info may actually be for that...
Terry Watts