Jazz Station Big Band feat. Grégoire Maret & Kenny Werner
Brussels, Belgium
Jazz Station
Sony PCM-D100 (Internal mics) > WAV (24/48) > Sound Forge 15 (sound level adjustments, fade out, mastering with Ozone 9 Elements, >16/44) > CDWave Editor (Tracking) > TLH (FLAC8)
Note 1 : All introductions and comments by Stéphane Mercier are in French.
Note 2 : During the introduction solo by Kenny Werner on "04 Jazz Studio", the lady sitting next to me dropped a glass on the ground. Lucky for her it wasn't a Keith Jarrett concert...
01 Introduction
02 A Mood (Steven Delannoye)
03 (Enter Kenny Werner) Ma Elle (Stéphane Mercier)
04 (Enter Grégoire Maret) Jazz Studio (Grégoire Maret?)
05 (Out Kenny Werner, Enter Vincent Bruyninckx) Pink Legged Tourists (Damon Brown)
06 My Number One (François Decamps)
07 (enter Kenny Werner) Band Introduction
08 Too Cool For School
Jazz Station Big Band:
Stéphane Mercier - sax alto, flute, artistic direction / Daniel Stokart - sax alto & soprano, flute, flute alto / Steven Delannoye - sax tenor / Vincent Brijs - sax bariton / Loïc Dumoulin, Pauline Leblond, Jean-Paul Estiévenart - trumpet, bugle / x, David De Vrieze - trombone / Bart De Lausnay - bass trombone / François Decamps - guitar / Vincent Bruyninckx - piano / Boris Schmidt - bass / Toon Van Dionant - drums
Grégoire Maret - harmonica / Kenny Werner - piano
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: