Jazz Station Big Band
Brussels, Belgium
Jazz Station
Jazz Station Big Band:
Stéphane Mercier - sax alto, flute, artistic direction
Daniel Stokart - sax alto & soprano, flute, flute alto
David Devrieze - Trombone
Hugo Jisiack (?) - Trombone
Bart De Lausnay - bass trombone
Bart Defoort - sax tenor
Vincent Brijs - sax bariton
Pauline Leblond, Jean-Paul Estiévenart - trumpet, bugle
? - trumpet
François Decamps - guitar
Vincent Bruyninckx - piano
Boris Schmidt - bass
Toon Van Dionant - drums
Set 1
1. Team Player #3 (?)
2. Don't Butt In Line
3. My Number One
4. Pyramide
5. Route 166
Set 2
1. The Jazz Studio
2. Bluesette
3. ?
4. L'infiniment Vert
5. Band Introductions
6. Too Cool For School
7. Encore: ?
Sony PCM-D100 internal mics (24/48 Wav) > Sound Forge 15
Normalize RMS to -20 dB (ACX)
Left Channel +1 dB
A few volume adjustments
A few silences removed
> 16bit (dither and noice shaping)
> Resample to 44100 Hz with anti-alias filter
Ozon 9 Elements (remaster - preset Contemporary Jazz)
note: just a (very) litte chatter of a (nice) couple sitting next to me. You can hear me touching my device a few times to find a better spot.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: