Jeff Beck Group (with Jan Hammer) - June 26, 1976 (AUD - from Liberated Bootleg "Freeway Jammin' With Jan", JB label - 43 Minutes Long) Parade Stadium, Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A.

Contrast Clause: Previously an offer of a recording of this show was offered by whotrader (in March 2013, THX!!!) at:
That version is from a cassette trade in 1993 at 63 minutes long, where this offer is 67 minutes long from the Liberated Bootleg "Freeway Jammin' With Jan", JB label.

Not A Contrast Clause #1: Previously an offer of a recording of this show was offered by Goody (in June 2009, THX!!!), which is no longer on the tracker.
That offer is a Speed/Pitched Corrected version from the Liberated Bootleg "No Rain", Tarantura label, which also does not have the last track "Blue Wind" (fades out).

Not A Contrast Clause #2: Previously an offer of a recording from this same Liberated Bootleg ("Freeway Jammin' With Jan") at:
That previous show (June 5, 1976) was disc #1, this offer is disc #2 (different show) from that same Liberated Bootleg ("Freeway Jammin' With Jan").

This is not a RESEED, but is a newly prepared 2013 offer.
I'm always looking for uncirculated, alternate versions, upgrades, etc., of anything Jeff Beck.
If you have any of those & can not share, please get them to someone who can do so - THX!!!

Jeff Beck Group (with Jan Hammer) .... June 26, 1976
Parade Stadium, Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A.

Jeff Beck - guitar
Jan Hammer - keyboards
Fernando Saunders - bass
Tony Smith - drums
Steve Kindler - violin

Taper, Taping Gear/Equipment, & Transfer: ??unknown??
Trade: Masa (Japan), THX!!!
Source: from Liberated Bootleg "Freeway Jammin' With Jan", JB label matrix #JB-002/3
Lineage: "AUD" Trade CDR> (wav) 2013 DAE with EAC (secure mode)> (flac) Trader's Little Helper level 6 (align on sector boundaries)
Quality: vg+/ex- "AUD"
Length: 10 tracks = 66:18 minutes
Artwork: included.
Samples: none.

Set List:

01 - Oh Yeah! (No Rain Boogie)
02 - Country Eastern Music
03 - Darkness> Earth In Search Of A Sun
04 - You Know What I Mean
05 - Scatterbrain Suite
06 - Freeway Jam
07 - Earth (Still Our Only Home)
08 - Diamond Dust
09 - Full Moon Boogie
10 - Blue Wind (fades out)

Support the artists: Purchase releases, etc.
Keep this lossless, do not convert to lossy (mp3, etc.)

Prepared by Jeffrey James (

Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.

Images for this show:

JeffBeck1976-06-26ParadeStadiumMinneapolisMN (1).jpg
JeffBeck1976-06-26ParadeStadiumMinneapolisMN (2).jpg
JeffBeck1976-06-26ParadeStadiumMinneapolisMN (3).jpg