Burning in Boston
Jeff Beck Group
Bob Tench- vocals
Jeff Beck guitar
Max Middleton- keyboards
Clive Chaman- bass
Cozy Powell- drums
Boston Music Hall
Boston, Mass. U.S.A.
November 8, 1971
performance quality: A (a great show!)
recording quality: C (not so great but listenable)
source: audience tape (1st or 2nd gen.)
runtime: 58:17
1: goin' down
2: ice cream cakes
3: tonight I'll be staying here with you
4: morning dew
5: ? (fast rockabilly country jam thing)
6: situation
7: I ain't superstitious
8: I've been used
9: got the feeling
There's a little bit of hiss in here, and also a little bit of fidelity,
this sounds comparable in sound to a Jimi Hendrix audience tape, but it
seems to be complete minus a couple of very momentary interruptions
(barely noticable) and it is one of the better Jeff Beck shows I've heard
(I've heard at least 25 or so over various years). Also the 1st one I saw,
although this was still well before I was recording shows, and I finally
got a tape of it about 7 years later. Not just my 1st Jeff Beck concert,
1st rock concert (unless you include "Jesus Christ Superstar"). It was a
nice breaking in to rock, and still one of the better shows I've ever heard
by anyone. Situation, Got the Feeling, I ain't superstitious all sounded
very hot in this show. All these songs were very well played. This was one
of my favorite JB bands, haven't seen much here on dime from them despite
alot of Jeff Beck, if you like Rough and Ready and "Jeff Beck Group" material
this show is for you. That's all they did, except Morning Dew and track 5
which sdoesn't sound like any JB song I've ever heard before. That was fine
with me (even though he does have some earlier material I like), this was my
1st impression of Jeff Beck (in concert and otherwise) and it left a permanent
imprint on how I define good guitar playing. There's plenty of that in this show,
the whole band sounds very inspired and tight. Great music in here from
all of them (not just Jeff).
I think this may be the late show because it's very hard to understand why
Highways and Definitely Maybe aren't in here, since they are my 2 favorite songs
of this lineup. I know the untitled one isn't either of those. (I saw the early
one, I think, still too young for late shows, it was a long time ago, and how
memory wears, but did they play definitely maybe and/or Highways? Well I seem
to recall they definitely played one of them... maybe? Now I know where the
song got its name perhaps.) It's better than a "for completists only" tape,
but not for fussier audiophiles, and recommended for anyone who likes hearing
a really good JBG performance. This may be the best show I've heard yet, and
despite some bassiness in parts and some inconsistencies of sound, it's not
that bad. Good enough for me to listen to it at length and enjoy it. It could
probably be cleaned up nicely into a B quality by someone who knows how to use
EQ and related software.