Ken and Judy Lee Proudly Present
The Port Chester Resurrection Project
11-13-70 Late Show
PCRP #004
Capitol Theatre, Portchester, NY
Disc Two Jefferson Airplane
01 Have You Seen The Saucers>
Hijack (18:21)
02 Three Fifths of a Mile (7:53)
03 Good Shepard (10:00)
04 We Can Be Together (8:00)
05 Pretty As You Feel (10:20)
06 Johns Other (8:43)
07 Somebody To Love (9:04)
08 Volunteers (11:07)
09 Emergency (6:06)
Hot Tuna Sets ommited.
Jefferson Airplane & Hot Tuna - 1970-11-13 Late Show -
Capitol Theater, Port Chester, New York -
PCRP #4 - AUD - SHN"
Description Ken & Judy Lee Proudly Present
The Port Chester Resurrection Project
Jefferson Airplane
11-13-1970 Late Show
Capitol Thea., Port Chester, NY
d1t1-"We're gonna play some rock and roll and then
Paul and Grace are gonna come out..." Jorma
The latest PCRP release from the vault of Ken & judy
Lee brings us a rare portrait of one the unsung heros
of the psychedelic era, The Jefferson Airplane.
Pioneering the sound that most "psychedelic" bands
from the 60's era emulated, their genre creating music
went almost entirely overlooked by popular radio in
its day. Charging their lyrics with social, political,
and envoirmental themes, coupled with a healthy dose
of Big Brother is watching science fiction. Combine
that with an outspoken, flamboyant lead female singer,
and its no wonder why there is a file this thick on
them in the FBI's office.
What makes this especially interesting is the close
proximity to Marty "leaving" the band. Some databases
indicate this happened in October of this year, yet
Marty is clearly on board here. Also with the
introduction of Papa John just weeks before, we can
see the cracks starting to form. Jorma is way out
front, from the stripped down beginnings of "Come Back
Baby" to the bluesy finale of "Baby, What You Want Me
To Do". You can feel the connection in the interplay
between Jorma and Jack, their realization that there's
more to life than "Jefferson Airplane".
A slow introduction of the band is executed, as
members are brought out for succeeding songs, first
Marty, then Papa John, and Will Scarlet each adding
their own component, until the full band reaches the
stage with the start of disc 2.
And when they do, the machine really starts to fly.
"Have You Seen The Saucers" morphs into an eerie
premonition of things to come. Graces' Do-Do-Do-ings
on d2t1 turning "Saucers" into a starship-esque
"Hijack", ending in a cascade of guitar feedback.
Hearing this for the first time, literally gave me
chills, as the two factions of this one band seemingly
engage in a battle for dominance. ( As a tech note,
this was undocumented on the discs that were given to
me, and as such d2t1 is left as a single track).
And the tension just builds... Good Shepherd, We Can
Be Together, Pretty As You Feel, Johns Other, each
member looking for the touch of the spotlight, all the
while held firmly in the Kaptains' grasp.
While they finish up with two of their strongest
anthem's "Somebody To Love" and "Volunteers", they're
not done yet. And again each band member seems to want
to leave their mark on this performance. Four encore
songs, "Emergency", "Peggy Sue" , "All Around This
World", and "Baby, What You Want Me To Do", the last
two without Paul and Grace (read Hot Tuna). A band
that shouted "gotta revolution" in the midst of one of
their own.
While this is not the best sounding offering from the
PCRP, it is well worth the time to hear this
documentation of chaos and accord, from beginning to
end, if just once. There is a significant amount of
distortion in the mid-bass. On listening I EQ'ed
around -6db@400K to pull down some of the distortion,
but the files are left unchanged from their original
source. Also, there is a copy of the early show that
circulates, though its uncertain if it is from the
same source. Of course when Ken & Judys is unearthed,
we will make that available.
P.S. d2t1:( IMO) worth the download just for that!
Disc02 (Jefferson Airplane)
PCRP#004JA1970-11-13Ld2t03-GoodShepherd.shn (10:00)
PCRP#004JA1970-11-13Ld2t04-WeCanBeTogether.shn (8:00)
PCRP#004JA1970-11-13Ld2t05-PrettyAsYouFeel.shn (10:20)
PCRP#004JA1970-11-13Ld2t06-JohnsOther.shn (8:43)
PCRP#004JA1970-11-13Ld3t01-SombodyToLove.shn (9:04)
PCRP#004JA1970-11-13Ld3t02-Volunteers.shn (11:07)
Technical Notes:
The original audience master cassette was recorded on
a Sony TC124 with unknown Sony dynamic mics, spread
approx. 25-30 ft. across the balcony, by Ken & Judy
Lee. The cassette was baked, processed and transfered
via Tascam 122 MK-III > Lucid ADA1000 > Tascam CDRW
700 (CDR) by John Jay Hance in 2003. Further editing
and tracking performed by Peter G with Soundforge.
Audio extraction via Peak 3.2.1 on a G4 Titanium
Powerbook, compressed with xACT V1.2 (shn, sbe and md5
verified), and seeded by BoldCaptain via BitTorrent
3.2.2a. Extra thanks to Dave T. for the help with the
Flaws: distortion as described previously, throughout.
d1t3 cuts off at :38 sec. followed by almost two
minutes of crowd before the next song.
Several dropouts during playback from master tape were
not edited out, not too bad though considering its 33
yrs old!
Ken & Judy Lee present the Port Chester Resurrection
Project as a loving tribute to
Mark Cohen. A brother and friend to many in the
community, his spirit lives on through the music.
These are NOT the original flac files.
These flacs are for backup