Jefferson Starship
Saturday 20 October 2012
The Borderline, London, ENGLAND.

01. intro
02. Crown Of Creation
03. Wooden Ships
04. Somebody To Love
05. "he rocked it too hard back there"
06. Fresh Air
07. Sketches Of China
08. Count On Me
09. Find Your Way Back
10. Let's Get Together
11. Miracles
12. Sunrise->
13. Hijack->
14. Home->
15. Have You Seen The Stars Tonite?->
16. Starship
17. gotta go seek something out /Cathy's rap
18. Piece Of Me
19. er, Barry Manilow?
20. Codeine
21. Connection
22. Fast Buck Freddie
23. Jane
24. Hyperdrive
25. The Ballad Of You & Me & Pooneil->
26. Teaching The Computers To Dream->
27. solos->
28. The Ballad Of You & Me & Pooneil
29. first encore break / band intros
30. White Rabbit *
31. Volunteers *
32. second encore break
33. Have You Seen The Saucers?

Paul Kantner - vocals, electric Rickenbacker 12-string guitars
David Freiberg - vocals, acoustic guitar, percussion
Cathy Richardson - vocals, percussion, electric Rickenbacker 12-string guitar on "Piece Of Me"
Chris Smith - keyboards
Jude Gold - lead guitar, backing vocals
Rich Newman - drums
Liz Lenten - backing vocals on "Volunteers"

SBD - stereo soundboard feed->Olympus LS11->Edirol R-09 16bit@44.1 kHz
AUD - Audio Technica AT822 stereo mic at soundboard approx. 25' from stage > Edirol R-09 (16 bit@44.1kHz)
* 3 minutes 19 seconds of soundboard recording missed - approximately last minute of White Rabbit, the few seconds between songs and approximately the opening two and a quarter minutes of Volunteers. This section is provided solely by the Audience recording.
Minor edits to both in CoolEdit 2000 > Recordings aligned and mixed 75% SBD:25% AUD in Audacity 2.0.2
Exported to stereo wavs, cut on sector boundaries using CDWav

Recordings and matrix by Jelly

Ah, the final show of the UK tour, Ten shows, fourteen nights and a little over 2,000 miles of driving. And what a fabulous show to end a leg of a tour: a near-enough full "Blows" Suite, a sublime Codeine, another exploration of Wooden Ships sailing into unknown seas, the beauty of Sketches, the majesty of Hyperdrive, and all closed out with as fine a Saucers as you'll hear - Paul's passionate vocals and a great instrumental middle section. Another packed night at the Borderline, and a show for the ages.
There is, alas, a significant recording problem. All tour my soundboard recording was coming out of the band's recorder, an Olympus LS11. Unbeknownst to me, the Olympus has a feature which means that it will not record a single track longer than two hours, so once it gets to the two hour mark, it stops recording. And stops passing the signal to my Edirol. I was unaware of this, and was blithely enjoying the show when I looked across to check that my levels were still OK (it was loud :-) and was shocked to see nothing registering. Unknowing of the Olympus feature I assumed it had just died for some reason and stuck the soundboard feed direct into my Edirol and adjusted the levels. So we're missing about 3 minutes 19 seconds towards the end of the show - about the last minute of White Rabbit and the first two and a quarter of Volunteers. Luckily, the audience deck was still running, so we're only missing the soundboard recording for that section, so that 199 seconds is solely from the audience recording. I've tried to match the overall volume so it's not too jarring. Obviously you can hear the transitions (I could have tried to play with the EQ of the audience only bit in an attempt to make it blend better, but since it didn't sound too hideous, I decided to leave it au naturel.)
Anyway, I hope it doesn't disrupt your listening pleasure too much.