Jen Kearney & The Lost Onion
Sun. July 19, 2015
Tyrone Farm
Pomfret, CT

source1: akg 414 cardiod > Lunatec V3 > Edirol R-44 > WAV (24/48k)
source2: sbd > Edirol R-44 > WAV (24/48k)
transfer: wav > Audacity > wav (16/44.1k) > xACT > flac8

tape/transfer - corey the groundhog (coreythegroundhogATgmailDOTcom)

set one (47:31)

01. intro
02. Waiting For It
03. Warm Bath Eyes
04. banter
05. Overwhelming
06. banter
07. Age Of Blame
08. band intros
09. Succotash Blue
10. banter
11. Pick It Up, Lay It In The Cut

set two (63:18)

01. intro
02. Too Far
03. What If
04. banter
05. Better
06. Sanctuary in Sabotage
07. Patience Child
08. To The Moon
09. banter
10. Like a Feather
11. banter
12. Penitentiary Philosophy
13. band intros
14. The Beautiful Ones

Jen Kearney - Keys & Vocals
Peter MacLean - Drums
Aaron Bellamy - Bass
Amy Bellamy - Keys
Jason Yost - Guitar
Jared Sims - Tenor Saxophone
Alex Lee-Clark - Trumpet