Jerry Garcia
2400 Fulton Street - Jefferson Airplane House
San Francisco, CA
Source: SBD > MR > Cass > DAT > CDR >
WAV > CDR; via EAC/trade from Morgan Evans <> >
EAC > CDWAV > SHN; via Rick Lepley <>
1. Been All Around This World [04:00]
2. Big Boss Man [06:28]
3. Jam (Stormy Monday Theme) [13:57]
4. Slow Blues [07:19]
5. Jam [05:28]
6. Jam [19:19]
Total: [56:34]
Great disc! The sound quality is exceptional IMO, it almost sounds like it was
recorded in a studio setup.
The lineup is reportedly the following:
Jerry Garcia - Guitar
Jorma Kaukonen - Guitar
Jack Cassady - Bass
Mickey Hart - Percussion
Spencer Dryden - Percussion
Known Flaws:
A high pitched tone which was present on my CDR copy at roughly 0:12 - 0:23
of track 01 was edited out using EAC's wave editing function.
A 1-second pause at about 14:19-14:20 on the master dt06 was edited out also using EAC.
Much thanks to Morgan Evans for putting this gem into my hands!
Uploaded and distributed by Andy Lepley <>
These shn files are seekable in your shnamp.
Please forward any information/corrections to - Thanks!